Plushie (partybeele)

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Pest blinked and stared at the small box.

Was it always there?

He has gotten a knock at his door and decided to go see who was interrupting their nap to give them a piece of his mind (as well as steal a piece of their fortune) but all he was greeted by was the wind and a small box at his doorstep, neatly decorated with a blue confetti wrapping and tied with a big red bow, pest checked his surroundings before leaning over to pick up the box, sniffing it.

Didn't seem dangerous or tampered with. It just smelled like vanilla with a tinge of whiskey.

Reminded him of poob.

NO. NO. He shook his head, why was he thinking about THEM out of anything? He just sighed and went back into the beaten down motel, shutting the door behind him as he threw the box onto the dirty bed. He stared at it for a moment, contemplating just throwing it inside the drawer and calling it a day or actually just opening it..

...unfortunately curiosity got the best of him, so he went ahead and opened it.

He untied the bow and impatiently ripped the cover, opening it with his clawed hands, inside was a note and a...plushie of himself? And poob?

He furrowed his eyebrows and picked both up

It was definitely smudged on the face, the Japanese letters scrawled on his chest and back were just wriggles, and the fabric didn't feel all that soft, but for the most part it was, pretty accurate? And of course poob's plush was also 100 percent accurate. Pest furrowed his eyebrows as he set both down to pick up the note.

Haiii pezt!! I know dis is random butttt i made u a little smth!!! Idk if u liek plushies but I decided to maek both for u!!! I just thought it'd b a neat gift!! It took meh a while but iz definitely worth it!! I hope u liek it!! :3

Pest gave an amused chuckled, yep, he was right, it was poob. But I mean, who else would it be? He turned back to the plushies, rolling his eyes at their goofy posture, he opened his drawer and threw the small gifts in, as well as the note, before cleaning up the bed to go lay on it..

He fluttered his eyes shut and drifted off...

Everything was blank..




Pest suddenly jolted, almost jumping out of his skin.

It was dark


REALLY dark.

And was that..rain? A flash of light too? Wha-


he jumped again, yep, definitelyyy a thunderstorm, he groaned and mumbled, burying himself in the covers again, trying to get back to his lifeless dreams.

He couldn't sleep with all the noise though.

And it was so cold..

Pest was wide eyes, tossing and turning, every strike caused him to jolt and shiver a bit.

Was he...scared?

No no. He's not scared. That's..that's pathetic.

That's what his father used to tell him though...

He's always been scared of thunder. Still is actually. But his father obviously dismissed it, saying that members of his clan don't get scared of such foolish things.


God. How he HATED that old man..

But he was safe now, he was alone, pest felt a few tears come through but he wiped them away quickly. Even being the only person in the room wasn't enough for him to show his emotions.

He wished he could calm down..

But then..

He crawled towards the desk next to him, opening a drawer and rummaging through it until he felt a semi- rough ball of plush.

He pulled it out and saw the plush poob made of themselves..the goofy grin being barley visible in the darkness as hot glued part blower dangled.

He closed the drawer and crawled on his bed, hugging the plushie, it definitely smelled like poob. Which calmed pest's nerves down, he snuggled with it as he brought the covers over himself.

The thunder still scared him, every time he'd hear it's mighty cry he'd tighten his grip on the small thing, trying hard not to let his emotions get the best of him, he closed his eyes and buried his head into the pillow.

The sickly sweet..combined with the covers and pest could almost feel poob next to him, wrapping their arms around him.

It was definitely corny as hell, it made pest icky, but...but it was comforting.

He could imagine the feel their hand stroking his hair, and maybe poob giving him a few kisses, which made pest shrink into the covers and wriggle out of embarrassment as well as the feeling of being flustered.

"It's gunna b alright" that sentence, said in the voice of poobs, rung through his head like scheme bells, drowning every thought if his fathers neglect and anger, it was warm, comforting.

Pest purred slightly, bringing the plushies closer to him, the pincers on his mouth gripped onto it.

The thoughts drowned out his mind, he felt drowsy, his body relaxed, the thought of them cuddling slowly fizzled.

...but for the first time, pest could finally remember a dream he had. No more darkness, and if was a happy dream as well! The dream of him and poob, both of them being intimate, holding hands, poob tracing his finger over his palm, and them kissing in a beautiful blossom cherry shrine. It brought comfort through the dark storm, in the dirty room, where pest gave a genuine smile.

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