Chapter 15: Jealousy

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I narrow my eyes in focus on the mirror upon my closet door, securing the strands of (h/c) hair into a ponytail with a thin, white ribbon. White trousers, a navy blue riding tunic, and knee high boots all snug on my body underneath a luxe black, fur jacket.

Yesterday, Sarah had come into my room after his highness toured me around the castle to take my measurements. By that night, my closet had been filled with beautiful dresses, gowns, outdoor attire, down to different shoes.

'They are quite efficient around here,' I couldn't help but admire the swiftness in which everything is done. After all, efficiency is key to operating an empire as large as this one.

A knock at my door gains my attention. "My lady, it is twenty minutes till, if you would like to arrive early," Sarah's reminds me.

"I will be right out!" I call back, swiftly grabbing the black gloves, securing them over my hands.

Opening the door, I smile at Sarah, whose head is lowered. "Good morning, Sarah. Did you sleep well?" I question her, before the both of us depart.

"I slept well, thank you for asking, my lady. I hope you did, as well," she gives a small smile back. The hall is empty, the air inside the castle quite frigid.

'I don't know how they do it. I miss the warmth of the sun,' I think back to home.

"I did as well, hopefully today will go smoothly," I express my nervousness. The welcoming lunch was already tense enough as is, and now that I am on even worse terms with Lady Annabeth, I cannot help but feel anxious for today.

As much as I enjoy horseback riding, something I often did back home, I always did it alone in the comfort of my undisturbed solitude.

"You will be fine, my lady. Have you gone horseback riding?" Sarah questions me, before widening her eyes in realization.

"I am so sorry for my unsolicited questioning, my lady! Please punish me as you deem fit!" She bows deeply at the waist.

I pause in my step, slightly bewildered at the sudden shift. "I-it's okay, Sarah. It was an innocent question. Besides, you are my personal maid so it would be necessary to get to know me, no?" I attempt to soothe her.

As much as I'd like to tell her to treat and address me as an equal, I've come to the establishment that the empire operates much differently, and there could be potential consequences if Sarah was caught speaking so casually to me, though she is my personal maid for the time being, so I am unsure if I could have a say.

She lifts her head at me, eyes glistening with gratitude. "Thank you, my lady. Please excuse my lack of manners."

"No need to apologize. I wish for you to ask me more questions, that way you get to know me and help assist me better. After all, I am not quite familiar with the empire and vice versa, so it would be helpful for me, too." We continue walking.

Sarah nods her head at my proposition. "Yes, my lady."

"I used to horseback ride often back home, since my kingdom was surrounded by forest. It was a good pastime and one of my frequent hobbies," I explained to her.

"You will be just fine today then, my lady. If anything, I am sure you will be one of the best, since the other ladies of the empire do not horseback ride much. The weather here is quite unforgiving, so it is rare to find a good day like today to do so. It is usually the men and soldiers who frequent it," Sarah whispers at the information of the other ladies.

"Today is a good day!?" I question, befuddled. It was freezing!

"Quite so, my lady. Usually, it is much more brisk than this. It is quite an abnormality that it isn't snowing today, which is rare. You will get adjusted, eventually," she confirms.

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