Chapter 18: Serendipity of A Mad Man

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Humming a small tune, I secure the front half of my (h/c) locks behind my head, leaving a few pieces out to frame my face. A simple, albeit gorgeous, light blue dress fell down to my ankles, a white coat providing some warmth.

"My lady, we should make our way there, soon. Brunch is approaching," Sarah folds the last of the clean towels, placing them in a drawer in my bathroom.

Not wishing to be late, I agree. "Let us." Taking one last peak at the bouquet upon my nightstand, I make a mental note to thank his majesty.

"Sarah, how did his majesty have the flowers arrive so quickly?" I questioned her.

She looks at me, before turning back to the path in front of us. "If I am not mistaken, I believe he sent a few servants out after you had spoken to him."

I look at her, astonished. "But we finished speaking quite late. They traveled all night for flowers?"

Sarah nods. "Yes, my lady. A command from his majesty is a command, regardless of the time and occasion."

I couldn't help but press my lips together at that. Sure, what she said was correct, though it didn't make me feel any less bad for them. Traversing when it is freezing and dark for flowers is far from ideal.

"We have arrived, my lady," she opens the door.

Sat at the end of the table was his majesty, in his usual spot. This time, however, I appeared to be the first one to arrive.

'That is odd. I know I usually come a little early, though I must be extremely early today, since not even Lady Mary-Ann is here.' I look at Sarah, about to ask her what time it is, though the emperor beats me to it.

"You are quite early today. Come, sit." His majesty stands up, the chair he sat upon screeching as the legs slide back. He walks over to the chair on his right, pulling it out, gently bowing.

I scrunch my eyebrows, taking slow steps to where his majesty was waiting for me. When I near where he was standing, I beckon out, a little confused. "Thank you, your majesty."

As soon as I sit down, he walks back over and takes his seat once more. "Sarah." He curls his finger at her, and her movement toward him is instantaneous.

Bowing down, his majesty leans forward, turning his head slightly, before whispering something to her. I cannot hear, though she nods her head. "Yes, your majesty."

"You are dismissed." He nods his head, before she disappears.

"What did you tell her?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about," his eyes glinted.

I narrow my eyes at him, though he paid no mind to it. "Did you receive my flowers?"

At that, I hastily nodded, remembering my mental note. "Yes, your majesty. Thank you, they are beautiful. If you don't mind me asking, why did you do that?"

He peered at me, taking my appearance in. "You said you liked hydrangeas, no?"

"Well, yes...but you didn't have to inconvenience yourself by getting me some. Don't mistake me, I am very grateful, though it must have been difficult." I squirm a little bit, his crystal eyes unrelenting on me.

"Nonsense. Whatever you wish for, I will get," he grins a little, and I feel my cheeks heat up.

He seemed to be in a good mood, which is wonderful for everyone around, though I can't help but fluster at the way he phrases his words.

"Thank you, your majesty," are the only words that I could muster up, looking away. His gaze never wavers from me.

At the empty seat across from me, I turn back to look at him. "What time is it? How come I am so early?"

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