Chapter 17: My Lovely Flower

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'I can do this,' I mentally encouraged myself, staring at the office door of a certain black-haired emperor.

Sarah had informed me that my schedule was clear for the rest of the day, and we will be having dinner in our rooms as his majesty had some work to take care of.

It was now dinner time and hopefully his majesty is free now, since I had heard some of the ladies wished to speak with him when we arrived back at the castle. They should be eating now so I would be able to speak with him.

I knock, clearing my throat before announcing myself. "Your majesty, it is Lady (y/n). I wish to speak to you if you have some time to spare."

"Come in." His answer is almost simultaneous.

I open the door, walking in. To my surprise, he is not alone. Perched on a seat across from his majesty, sat a certain lady who seemed to detest my very essence.

Lady Annabeth snarls at the sight of me, and I freeze at the sight of her.

"My apologies, am I interrupting? I can come back later..." I felt like a deer caught in headlights, though I felt more awkward than scared.

"No need. Lady Annabeth and I were just finishing up," Emperor Kruos smiles at me, before nodding at Lady Annabeth, a silent dismissal.

Lady Annabeth whips her head to look at his majesty, opening her mouth to protest, before shutting it at his straight face.

"Of course. Thank you for your time, your majesty." She stands and bows at him, before walking in my direction. I stand to the side, allowing her space to leave. As she approaches the door that I have propped open for her, she pauses, glaring a glare so full of hatred, I couldn't help but shiver a bit, before leaving.

I watch her leave, silently, before gently shutting the door.

"Were you actually finishing up?" I questioned him, a little doubtful with how upset she appeared.

"I was. I am unsure if she was," he waves it off.

"Why have you decided to grace me with your presence? Not that I mind." He sits up, more interested.

"No reason, I just wished to speak with you..." my cheeks light up.

This was horrific. I have never attempted to woo or even get close to a man, and it was blatantly obvious.

"Have a seat." He gestures to the chair in front of him.

I sit down, staring at my thumbs which twiddle in the silence, unsure of where to start. I should've come up with a better plan...

His majesty takes my silence as a cue to speak, and for once, I am grateful, for I would have fainted had the silence become any more awkward. "How did you like horseback riding?"

I snap my head up at him, leaning back in my seat as the awkwardness dissipates. "It was quite fun, though I am unsure why you had me up front with you. We weren't even going that fast, your majesty."

Emperor Kruos leans forward on the desk, a knowing grin on his face. "I just wanted you near."

"Why?" I blurt bluntly.

Well...Lady Aria did say to find out his intentions...though I am not sure I am doing a great job at being discreet about it.

"Is it a crime for me to attempt to become close with my suitresses?" He remarks.

" I am just wondering why me." I emphasize my point.

"Why not you? You are a suitress, no? Besides, you seemed to be avoiding me all morning," Emperor Kruos throws in, surprising me. His tone was clipped.

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