It's a date

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Peggy had just finished her dinner, the plates cleared away and the quiet of the evening settling in. She was heading up the stairs, each step a gentle echo in the still house, when the sudden shrill of the telephone pierced the silence. It was an unexpected sound at that moment, jolting her from her thoughts. She hesitated, glancing towards the hallway where the phone sat on a small wooden table, its ringing persistent and insistent. With a quickened pace, she turned and made her way towards it, curiosity mingling with a hint of anticipation in her steps.

Peggy lifted the receiver, her voice a mix of warmth and curiosity, "Hello?".

"Ah, for a moment there, I was afraid I might've dialed the wrong number." the voice said.

Peggy couldn't help letting a playful tone creep into her voice, "Oh, I was beginning to think you'd lost my number. It's been nearly two weeks since the dance, hasn't it?" Her words carried a light tease, hinting at the slight impatience and curiosity that had bubbled inside her since their memorable evening.

Peggy could hear his playful laughter in response, "Hello George."

"Hello, Peggy. You're correct, it has been nearly two weeks, far too long if you ask me. I was just calling to see if you'd be interested in going out tomorrow evening?" George's tone was hopeful, tinged with excitement. "I promise it'll be an evening that matches the fun of our last encounter. Are you free?"

Peggy felt a surge of emotions, a blend of anticipation, surprise, and a slight nagging guilt over Ralph that she quickly shoved aside. For a moment, she was lost in the whirl of her thoughts, the appeal of spending another evening with George battling the lingering sense of loyalty to Ralph. Yet, the excitement of the unexpected call and the thought of experiencing the sort of exhilarating evening only George seemed capable of offering tipped the scales. There was undeniable chemistry between them, a connection that seemed too potent, too promising to ignore. Even as she worried about the implications, a part of her—the adventurous part that sought laughter and lively conversation—yearned to see where this burgeoning attraction could lead. It was a leap into the unknown, but Peggy found herself intrigued and tempted by the possibility of more.

After a heartbeat of hesitation, resolve firmed in Peggy's voice. "Yes, George, I'm free tomorrow evening," she replied, a smile spreading across her face. "I'd very much like to go out with you. Sounds like an adventure waiting to happen."

George's voice conveyed palpable relief and excitement, "Fantastic! I'll pick you up around 8 then. We'll have a splendid time, Peggy; I have a few surprises planned that I think you'll enjoy."

"Good night, George. I'm looking forward to it"

"Good night, Peggy. Sleep well," George replied, his voice reflecting a smile Peggy could almost see.

Closing the conversation, Peggy replaced the receiver gently on its cradle, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the upcoming evening. She glanced at the clock, noting the lateness of the hour, and with a contented sigh, she picked up her book from the dining room table. The book, "Valley of Decision," seemed to hold even more promise now, a pleasant companion to the flutter of excitement in her heart. Smiling to herself, Peggy made her way upstairs, the anticipation of tomorrow threading seamlessly with the narratives waiting to unfold in her read. Tonight, the world seemed alight with possibilities, each step towards her bedroom a step towards new adventures, both in the pages of her book and in the unpredictable, thrilling reality with George.

Thursday, May 13, 1948

Just fooled around after classes and wrote to Ralph. George called about 7:00 and asked me to go out tomorrow night. Don't know where we'll go. Fooled around and read a little in "Valley of Decision" till 10:30. Got to bed 11:10.

My Mother's Gift: The Diary of Peggy CaplesWhere stories live. Discover now