Chapter 4: Incoming Tide

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The first rays of summer sun shone upon Ocean City, illuminating the bustling boardwalk and sandy beaches with a vibrant energy. Peggy fidgeted beneath the shade of an old oak tree, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her best friend, Oozzie. She was torn between two men - Ralph and George - and the start of this new season only added to her confusion. She hoped Oozzie could offer some guidance amidst the carefree atmosphere of this seaside town.

Oozzie glided along the boardwalk on her vintage beach cruiser, the sun glistening off her cherry-red swimsuit. She waved to Peggy with a playful smile, her bright yellow scarf fluttering in the ocean breeze. Her rosy cheeks and carefree demeanor were a testament to the bliss she found spending more time with Tommy.

"Hi, Oz," Peggy replied, forcing a smile. "So, I need some help..."

"Of course!" Oozzie said, concern flooding her face as she noticed the worry etched into Peggy's features. "Sorry I'm late but, what's going on?"

Peggy took a deep breath and began to pour out her conflicted feelings. "Life has been so confusing these last few weeks since coming back down here for the summer. I thought I knew what I wanted, but now... I just don't know anymore. George is so confident and charming, but Ralph... he's different, you know? He's got this quiet strength about him, and he's so genuine and kind."

Oozzie's gaze softened with empathy as she listened intently. "I know exactly how you feel," she admitted with a bashful smile. "Last summer with Bob, it was the same for me. And now with Tommy," she paused to think. "He's not perfect, and sometimes he drives me crazy, but when I'm with him, it feels right. It's like my heart knows that he's the one for me."

Peggy nodded slowly. "That's the thing, Oz... When I'm with George, everything seems exciting and new, like a thrilling adventure. But with Ralph... it's like coming home to a warm fire after a cold, rainy day. It's comforting and safe."

"This is just my intuition but maybe you should give Ralph a chance," Oozzie suggested gently, placing a hand on Peggy's shoulder. "In matters of the heart, you have to take risks. It's better to follow your heart than to be left wondering what might have been."

Peggy sighed and looked up at the sky, where the sun was starting to dip below the horizon. She thought about Ralph's kind eyes and the way he made her feel truly seen. And then there was George – handsome and exciting, but with an ego that cast a shadow over his charm.

"Maybe you're right," she said finally, determination shining in her eyes. "I need to give Ralph a chance. I owe it to myself, and to him, to see where this could go."

Oozzie smiled, proud of her friend for being brave enough to make such a difficult decision. "That's the spirit, Pegs! Just remember, love is worth fighting for, even when it's scary."

"Thank you" Peggy whispered, her heart lighter as she embraced her best friend. The warm, golden light of the setting sun filled her with a sense of optimism and joy as she prepared to start a new chapter in her life. She felt comforted by the guidance of her closest confidant, who had always been there to offer wisdom and support.

The following evening Peggy leaned against the balcony of her family-owned beachfront condos on the boardwalk, feeling the salty ocean air gently brush through her tousled hair. The sun had just set creating a picturesque scene, casting golden light on the bustling boardwalk below. She clutched a small notepad in her hands, filled with scribbles and doodles that hinted at her nervous excitement. It had been over a month since she last saw Ralph at prom, and her heart raced as she dialed his number on the rotary phone, the hum of anticipation filling her ears once again. Would he still feel the same way about her? Only time would tell.

"Hello?" Ralph's voice answered, strong and steady.

"Hi, Ralph," Peggy said, her voice wavering only slightly.

Peggy's voice caught Ralph off guard. He paused for a moment on the other line, his tone shifting from surprise to anticipation. "Hey, Peg," he finally replied, his tone brightening. "What a lovely surprise. I've actually been waiting for this call."

Peggy's heart raced as she tried to find the right words to say. She knew she had to follow Oozzie's advice and be true to herself, but the thought of asking him on a date made her stomach churn with guilt after what had happened at prom. "Um, I wanted to ask if you would maybe want to go to the movies with me...and my sister and her friend Jean," Peggy stuttered, already regretting bringing it up. "We were thinking of going to the drive-in this Saturday night."

"Sure, sounds like great fun!" Ralph replied enthusiastically. "I'll pick everyone up around 7:30?"

Peggy released a quiet breath of relief, her surprise at Ralph's quick and confident response turning into excitement. "Sounds great," Peggy replied, feeling butterflies in her stomach at the thought of spending more time with him. "I'll see you then, Ralph."

With a gentle tone, he murmured, "Can't wait to see you, Peggy." Their call ended with a longing sigh.

Sunday evening arrived, cloaked in a pink-hued sunset that painted the sky like a masterpiece. Peggy smoothed her dress nervously as she waited outside her house for Ralph to arrive. Within minutes, Ralph's car pulled into the driveway, the headlights gleaming like a beacon of hope.

Ralph emerged from his car and rested against the hood, admiring his new purchase—a sleek, yellow Ford Super Deluxe. His checkered shirt hugged his muscular frame, highlighting his strong shoulders and defined jawline. Peggy couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest as he flashed her an irresistible smile, his green eyes shimmering under the streetlights. She couldn't deny the undeniable charm and allure exuded by Ralph's dapper appearance.

He didn't have to say anything because the look he gave Peggy said it all. "It's good to see you again Ralph," she said.

Sizing Peggy up Ralph bit down on his lip "Well, hop in".

Peggy slid into the passenger seat next to him as they made their way towards Jean's house. Her mind was consumed with a mix of hope and anxiety, and she found herself lost in her own thoughts during the drive.

"Earth to Peggy," Ralph teased gently, breaking her reverie. "You seem a million miles away."

"Sorry," she chuckled, her eyes meeting his. "I'm just excited for tonight."

"Me too," he admitted, reaching over to gently squeeze her hand. The touch sent a shiver up Peggy's spine, igniting a fire within her she had forgotten.

They arrived at Jean's place, where she and Shirley were waiting outside with wide grins on their faces. "Well, aren't you two cute?!" Shirl called out, winking at her younger sister. Peggy rolled her eyes playfully, but couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her chest at the thought of being considered 'cute' with Ralph.

"Ready for the movies?" Jean asked as she climbed into the backseat, Shirl settling down beside her.

"Absolutely," Peggy replied, her excitement bubbling over as they set off for the drive-in. The night air was electric with possibility, and Peggy felt a renewed sense of hope taking root in her heart. She considered that love could be worth defending, especially when it promised the possibility of such beautiful new beginnings during the summer.

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