Chapter 1

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"A murder has been committed in the capital city Delhi. The murder was that of a 26 years old museum curator who was found to be dead when a delivery service man came to give her ordered belongings. She was amputated with her tongue cut off, leading to a gruesome death. When asked, the police refused to provide a statement, denying any questions. Is it enough proof for the police to realise how much of a failure they are? The fates of many like Miss Anu-"

Ishan hurriedly switched the TV off that was bearing the news of a murder committed in his hometown. The moment he managed to put the remote back on the table, the task he almost failed because of his inborn clumsiness, his brother entered the room in his uniform, all set to go to the police station.

"Good morning, bhaiya," Ishan greeted, his mouth stuffed with cereal, rendering his expression somewhat comical.

"Morning, don't talk while eating, the food may enter your wind pipe." Hardik, the Superintendent of the police department said, pouring himself a cup of tea.

"Aye aye, Captain." Ishan mock saluted him, then took his sweet time to chew the food properly and made a show out of it.

"Are you late for school today?" His elder brother asked, taking his last sip and placed the cup in the sink.

"Yes, I indeed am. I mistakenly equated 1 hour to 5 minutes." Ishan confirmed his suspicion.

Hardik sighed, "How about I offer you a ride since Krunal has already left?" Although meant as a suggestion, his words carried the weight of instruction as he reached for his keys.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Ishan smirked.

Dewdrops trickled down the car windshield as the vehicle glided beyond their neighborhood, en route to the high school.

Ishan in his mind, cheered for the dew drop in the lead to win his self imagined dew drop race. But to his dismay, the drop in the bottom of the line merged with another. And with their twin efforts won the race, leaving his chosen one in the dust. In this case, a dew drop.

"How's your studying coming along?" Hardik inquired from his seat behind the wheel, breaking Ishan's concentration leading his telepathy to go in vain to help his chosen one in another race.

"Had a test last week. Aced it." Ishan answered smugly and turned his head towards Hardik, expecting some sort of appreciation.

"Don't look at me like that. It's not a big deal, me and Krunal did that all the time. Moreover, your principal called." Ishan stiffened beside him.

"Care to explain why you punched Rohan?" Hardik gave him his infamous 'No nonsense' look which he often used on his suspects.

Kyunki woh bkl hain, Ishan thought. It was his initial response. But it would do him no good other than earning him more of the lecture that his brother planned to give, so he bit his lips to stop his trash mouth from speaking.

"He's a school bully, who likes to slander whoever he believes is inferior to him which definitely includes me. Actually, I am his number one favourite. So, I punched him." Ishan explained, replicating how his fist connected with Rohan's face in slow motion three days prior. Not forgetting to imitate Rohan's shock striken face that couldn't believe that someone had the guts to retaliate him.

"Ok. And?" Hardik asked expectantly after taking in the provided information.

"And what?" Ishan questioned back even though he knew that his brother meant it as a rhetorical question, since he was a discipliner himself.

"The aftermath. Who won the fight, obviously?" Hardik asked as a matter of fact and .... smirked.

Ishan's expression shifted from confusion to understanding, a smug grin creeping onto his face as he deciphered the hidden message in Hardik's words. Sensing his brother's tacit approval to speak his mind without fear of a lecture, Ishan boldly continued,

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