Chapter 4

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"What were you both doing? You dare to fight in the ground infront of me, haven't I made it clear that only disciplined individuals are allowed on my team? You are supposed to fight together, not with each other. If you have any personal vendettas against each other, keep that shit off the field." Coach Kohli reprimanded them harshly.

"Until you guys learn that you both are benched for an indefinite term. Is that clear?"

Abhishek and Rohan nodded silently.

"But it was Rohan who star-." Mayank mildly started but was abruptly shut off by the stern look Coach Kohli gave him. He was easily the most relaxed Coach they ever had, he knew the trends, understood the pressure they endured, knew which buttons to press to achieve the best results. Plus, he once carried Ishan when the latter won an one-sided match all by himself.

But one thing he couldn't tolerate was indiscipline on the field. They could do whatever masti they wanted elsewhere, but whenever they were on the field be it regular practice or an important match, they had to behave.

And same team players sledging each other was one thing, but fighting and throwing punches. It was more than enough reason for him.

"Sunai nahi diya kya, aur zhor se bolu?"

"Yes, Coach." They said, their backs straight.

"All of you are dismissed." He said leaving them without another word.

"You didn't have to do that."

"What, making noise when you applied that antiseptic liquid. Didn't know you had toxic masculinity?" For which Abhishek received a prompt smack on his wrist.

"No, I meant punching Rohan. I can handle him." Mayank stood up and started wrapping an ice pack in a thin towel.

"Like you did when you were in a relationship with him." Abhishek said, halting Mayank who was slowly moving the ice pack on his face. The former had been sitting down on the bench with Mayank hovering above his face.

"I told you not to bring it. It was my fault then, not now. I know the difference now okay."

"No, no, Mayu, it was never your fault. He was the one who couldn't handle you having some real friends, unlike him, who's ‘friends’ left him as soon as his rich parents died in that accident." Abhishek grabbed the wet towel and placed it on the nearby table. Holding Mayank's hands, making him look directly into this eyes.

"I know it must had been rough for him, but he had no right to take out the anger he had for his friends on you. You were his lover, not a machine designed for him to abuse verbally and physically whenever he felt like to." A lone tear escaped Mayank's eye which Abhishek wiped away.

"You are something to be cherished, Mayank. If not by me, then someone else. You deserve to be loved and protected, I know that I am not the most deserving person for you-"

Mayank silenced him with a kiss to which Abhishek responded quickly with equal emotion, trying his best to bestow the love he felt for Mayank into that kiss.

Their sweet moment was broken off abruptly by the noise of coughing meant to convey someone's presence in the school infirmary.

Mayank spranged backwards, momentarily saving himself from hitting Abhishek's injured chin. Abhishek was shoved to the bench by Mayank who was trying to replicate whatever he was doing before.

"I was on leave for one day and you boys decide to get hurt on the same day." The school doctor Kamlesh Maheshwari said, completely forgetting (or trying to forget) the scene he walked upon.

"Atleast I got hurt by fighting not falling down the stairs this time." Abhishek joked, to remove the awkwardness still lingering in the air.

"I see, but I don't think I have anything to do other than warning you against fighting, since Mayank seems to have taken very good care ..... of the wound." Dr. Kamlesh smiled knowingly.

"Yes, yes, but why are you here? Didn't you yourself just said now that you were on a leave?" Mayank said, speaking for the first time ever since Dr. Kamlesh entered the room.

"I was, till your Coach forc-asked me to come if I was near the school." Dr. Kamlesh said, gritting his teeth, obviously not happy with Virat for ruining his holiday.

"We are so sorry Doctor, we didn't realise you were on leave." Mayank apologised.

"Hey, no need to feel guilty okay, I came because I was near, I wouldn't have if I didn't want to. It's my job. But where is Rohan, I heard he's hurt too."

"Oh, he went home as soon as we were dismissed, Abhishek would have too if I hadn't forced him." Mayank rolled his eyes at Abhishek.

"Then, I don't have much to do here. I will take your leave now." Dr. Kamlesh said, getting out of the room.

"Want to get back to what we were doing?" Abhishek wiggled his eyebrows, receiving a very deserving bonk on his head.

Ishan and Shubman walked down the school premises, worn down by the day's events.

Mayank and Abhishek had went to the school infirmary to get Abhishek treated. They too offered to be there, but the two had declined their help, knowing that they were tired.

"It was so unexpected. I was literally there, convincing them that losing doesn't matter. But suddenly Rohan started blaming Mayank and got into a fight. I couldn't even do anything." Shubman said, unhappy how the events turned out. Ishan had his hand on his back comforting him.

"It wasn't your fault, okay. Rohan has always grabbed whatever opportunity he could find to berate Mayank since their breakup or maybe even before that. You could have no way done anything maybe even if you did, it would have made the matters worse." Ishan comforted.

"But I could have reached Mayank first and helped him instead of Abhishek who was so far behind us."

"You could never, Abhishek always had a sixth sense for Mayank's distress. He could have been in another city, then also he would have arrived earlier than us." Ishan said, making Shubman laugh.

How much he loves his laugh.

"Hey, isn't that Gambhir Sir." Shubman pointed to their left, breaking Ishan out of his stupor.

"Yes, it is. But what is he doing in school so late, aren't the other teachers allowed to leave earlier?"

"Well, he was probably trying to complete checking our answerscripts, or maybe already has. People can stay up late for their hobbies." Shubman stated.

"And what is his?" Ishan playfully asked.

"Tormenting people, of course."

A/N:- Hello guys, hope you have liked this story so far. And I may have taken inspiration from another Ishman story for the Doctor's name. It was a good name, okay!

After the prologue, there hasn't been any intense scenes so far, maybe I have to rectify that. (Smiles evilly)

Bye, bye till then.

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