Chapter 7

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In the stillness of the house, Ishan detected some faint noises, as if the perpetrator was trying his best to be quiet. Ishan would have never stirred up at those sounds if hadn't been unable to sleep himself. His friends jokingly claimed he could even sleep through a whole apocalypse and wake up straight in hell. (they believed that's where he's going to end up because of his deeds )


Ishan glanced at the alarm clock that sat on his study table to conclude the time. Quietly, he opened his door, making sure to grab his cricket bat before leaving. Unlike a stereotypical horror film actress, he wasn't about to "Kaun hain/ Who is there?" the ghost.

He descended the stairs cautiously, mindful of making any noise that could alert the intruder of his presence. The sounds however ceased by the time he reached downstairs. Trying to remember whatever self preservation skills his brothers had taught him, he mustered the courage to investigate the noise that had started again.

Let's just pray for him that curiosity doesn't kill the cat this time.

He gulped audibly as he got near the sound, the scenes of the movie he was watching appeared infront of his mind. Fuck his past self for scaring himself!

A hand landed on his shoulder and before he could stop himself his reflexes had worked on their own, he swung the bat behind him without hesitation. If quick reflexes weren't in their genes, then Krunal would have found his head on a cricket bat.

He was fast enough to duck down and prove that he didn't sleep during his police training.

"Why did you do that?" Krunal asked after recovering from his defensive stance.

Shocked Ishan replied,"I-I heard some noises coming from that room and went to investigate. Who knew I would almost end up in trial for fratricide?"

"Teenager ended in police station for the murder of his police brother with his other police brother bailing him out. Now that's a big breaking news!" Hardik chuckled, appearing behind him.

"It's not funny, okay. I hear some sounds coming from our house on the day I watch a murder mystery, I thought someone is going to pull a knife on me. What are you guys doing so late at night, that too in your uniform?" Ishan asked.

"Duty calls, baby bro. There's been another murder, multiple stab wounds. We have to go, this is the second time something like this has occured this week." Krunal explained, ruffling his hair. They had been upset to find out that the victim was of Ishan's age, perhaps even someone he knew.

"Take care and lock the doors. You have to wake up early tomorrow, so go to bed now."

Entering the school, Ishan felt the air somewhat tense. Not the regular chaotic atmosphere that surrounded any school, this one was different. Passing the teachers, he noticed their expressions were quite distressed and some even ignored the fight that took place between two students.

Today, he was the first one to arrive among his friends. He sat in one of the front seats today to have a eye on the outside activities even though he never sat here. His eyes darted around to find somewhat a reasonable explanation to this situation.

All of the students failed the test? Nah, he would have been greeted by Gambhir Sir's seething anger then.

Someone pulled a prank on Principal Dhoni Sir? Nope, no one would dare other than Kohli Sir.

Someone broke one of school's valuable items? But the interval between the last one and this one would be too soon.

Then what could be it?

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