A Coffee Crime.

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After Max got his job at a very fancy but not so popular restaurant, he went home.

"Now that I have a job, I should probably learn how to communicate with people without having aniexty...Hmmm...This is too stressful. Maybe I'll get used to it as a waiter...? Oh wait, I forgot to ask Natasha one more question. Shoot. I think I have her number. I'll just call her right away."

Max called Natasha on his phone. She answered.

"Hey Mr. Shadow."
"Oh please, just call me Max. By the way, what time do I start tomorrow?"
"Oh yes I forgot to tell you that! Tomorrow you can come at 12 P.M to 8 P.M. Sound good?"
"Oh yeah it's perfect. Do I get to work everyday?"
"Saturday's off."
"Oh great. Thank you."
"No problem. Good night Max."
"Good night."

Max hung up and went straight to bed. It was 11 P.M that time. The next morning Mark got off bed and got dressed up. He went to the jewellery shop.

"Yo Andy."
"Sup Max."
"Why the sad face?"
"Umm...We got robbed yesterday."
"What? FOR REAL?"
"Yeah...There were 2 robbers. They took most of the things in here. They also took our most expensive bracelet..."
"Do you know who he is?"
"Max, I know you're an assassin but trust me, you won't find him. He wore all black. I barely could see him last night."
"Night? He robbed you at night?"
"Yeah. Probably around like 10 P.M."
"I think he works in a cafe because I saw his name tag on his sweater. I think he forgot to take it off."
"What's his name."
"I...I don't remember...The first name was Chris. I don't remember his last name. I know I'm quite sure he had both of his first name and last name written on his name tag."
"Do you happen to know where he works?"
"Probably at a coffee shop. I saw the name tag was golden. Workers at coffee shops have their name tags golden too."
"Andy, do you think you can do something for me?"
"Can you call Rony and tell him that I'm sick and have a high fever and that I can't do missions today?"
"Are you seriously gonna look for-"
"Oh my gosh Max..."

Max ran away from the jewellery shop. He began looking for a coffee chop nearby. He searched everywhere. It didn't take him much time to find the nearest coffee shop. "Chris's Coffee."
That must be it. Max went inside the shop and goes to the counter.

"HI sir welcome to Chris's Coffee, take a look at the menu and tell me whenever your ready."
"Actually, do you guys have any employee here named Chris..?"
"Great, please bring them here."
"Sir there's customers behind you, you can go inside if you'd like but not until you tell me why."
"I used to um...Have an old friend named Chris but I don't remember his last name. I do know that he works in this shop."
"Okay...Lemme call him. Ahem. Chris Anderson, Chris Thompson and Chris Davis, please pause your work for a minute, you guys have someone to talk with. Please step outside."

"Yeah, did anyone wanna see us...?"
"Oh hey guys. Could you please step outside for a moment with me?"
"Are you some kind of a cop...?"
"Nope! Just worser than that."
"Anyway, tell me what each of you do."
"I'm a janitor..." said Chris Anderson.
"I make the coffee." said Chris Thompson.
"I am the waiter." said Chris Davis.
"I want you to tell me what you guys were doing around 10 P.M last night."
"Dude I told you we were gonna get ca-"
"SHUSH! Sorry, my friend here is a bit nervous. Me and Chris Thompson were just drinking at a bar last night."
"Which bar?"
"A bar near the jewellery shop."
"And you? Chris Anderson?"
"I was just cleaning and mopping the floor last night. I went home by 9 P.M."
"I see. Anyways-"

Suddenly a group of cops came behind Max and he told them to arrest Chris Thompson and Chris Davis.

"I know you don't. But my friend who works at that jewellery shop, does."
"See I told you we were gonna get caught, it was a stupid idea to do this."
"Bro shut up you're hair looks like Johnny Depp from Walmart."
"Wait. Why are you taking my buddies away?"
"They are a criminal."
"How'd you know that though? That was pretty fast."
"Because...Tomorrow was Tuesday. The bar they said closed on that day."
"O-oh...Oh welp. Sorry dudes, I guess I get to see yall next year?"
"Shut up."
"No? Okay."

"Hey Max-"
"What th- Mary? How'd you sneak up behind me?"
"Uhhh...Andy told me."
"I see. How are you?"
"I-I am good. Thank you-"
"Hey what time is it?"
"Oh okay. Hey, I have to tell you something."
"I work now!"
"Yeah I know you're working as an assassin."
"No no! Another job. At this fancy restaurant."
"Really? You should show me. Perhaps I want to look for a position there too."
"GREAT idea."
"Ok we should probably go-"

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