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The portal spawned in the Seraphin meeting room where Emily was just putting stuff away, Charlie came out of the portal clutching the book on her chest, she looked around before her eye spotted her so she decided to greeted the Seraphin.

" Hi Emily! " she yelled, which startled Emily making her drop what she was holding " Ah!!! " she turned her back fast and just sighed seeing it was just Charlie " Oh phew, Charlie it's just you " she took the information slow then it hit her.

" Wait! How did you get here!? " She questioned, Charlie giggled and said " I told you I'll meet you soon, remember? Our convo on the sphere! " Emily was looking confused as she remembered what they talked " I thought that meant next time we'll have a meeting about the Hotel! " she yelled

Which got more giggles from Charlie, Emily laughed aswell before saying " Wait aren't you banished from Heaven? " Charlie shook her head as she approached the Seraphin helping here with the things she dropped " No, only my parents are, God banished them not their bloodline so yeah " she explained, Emily nodded in understandment as they both finished putting stuff away.

" What brings you here? " Emily asked as they walked through a hall " Visit and I need to talk to someone " Charlie respond being straight forward. Emily was nodding along thinking it was Pentious she led her to him. They went inside a room where Sir Pentious was lying on the ground clutching a picture of his egg boiz, crying.

" Pentious? " Charlie asked looking at the snake, he recognized the voice he looked back to see her " Charlie!? " he ran up to them and hugged them both " I can't believe my two girl best friendsss are here! "

They let out a squeak on how tight pentious was hugging them before they laughed a little " I'm glad y'all got your reunion but I gotta go, I have work to do " Emily mentions, he let them go. They waved bye at Emily who waved back and soon left.

Charlie looked at Sir Pentious before she ran up to him and hug him tightly, Sir Pentious hugged her back tightly as well and both of them we're squealing of joy as Charlie kept congratulating him.

Charlie looked at Sir Pentious before she ran up to him and hug him tightly, Sir Pentious hugged her back tightly as well and both of them we're squealing of joy as Charlie kept congratulating him

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" So Pentious, why were you crying? " she asked which made him burst out of tears remembering about his egg boiz.

Charlie felt guilty mentioning it and started to apologize alot, she comforted the snake and after a few minutes he calmed down, they sat down on the floor and talked abit then Charlie brought something up " Hey Pentious, why don't we explore Heaven a bit! "

She wanted to talk to a certain someone and she knew she has to go up to the person, its not like they will randomly show up to see her. Pentious looked around nervously then said " Well the Seraphin Sera, warned me not to go outside...? "

" Why not? "

" She said it's dangerous for me and that people will kill me if they saw a sinner " he responded, he was afraid of dying now, sure he sacrificed himself before but he still felt fear.

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