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Everyone was called in the lobby, Adam was being bitchy and did not cooperate but it's fine he wasn't important. Alastor and Lucifer was standing at the center " So everyone, I have gathered you here for a reason " The king announced.

" Is this a divorce talk, shortie? " Angel joke laughing a bit, both Lucifer and Alastor was caught by surprise. The king bit his lip and giggled awkwardly " Holy shit it is a divorce talk! " Vaggie observed them before she yelled extending her hands to them " WHAT!? " Charlie and Niffty said unison.

Niffty jumped off the couch and approached Lucifer and pointed a finger at him. " Why did you, you terrible bad boy! " she yelled tearing up a bit as she ran and hug Alastor's leg. Alastor picked her up and said " Please you all are very dramatic, it's nothing serious! " he replied in his fake cheery tone which Charlie immediately caught on.

" Did you actually get divorced, boss? " Husk asked taking a sip of his booze. Alastor nodded and the cat just replied " Well damn " Cherri looked over her friend who was dramatically on the verge of tears. " Angie, there there. Calm your ass down, drama queen " She said patting his back and pulling him to a hug.

" Why is everyone taking it badly? You guys knew it was gonna end up like this, we talked about a divorce ever since! " Lucifer explained being completely shocked and confused about their reactions. " Yeah, when we didn't get attached to you two together " The moth girl explained, gently patting Stacie's back who had her head hidden in her hands and her body leaning forward.

Charlie sighed and went over to her dad. She bended down to his level and questioned " Dad what happened? " " Divorce? " Lucifer answered, Charlie shook her head and asked again " No, before that, what happened between you two that ended up with this? " Lucifer stood there in silence before she whispered to her " Can we talk about this later? " he asked which Charlie just nodded as she took her seat back.

" I'm sorry to everyone that wished me and Alastor were together longer. You guys knew we were gonna seperated anyways but still we are sorry, I wish that you guys don't take this so badly. It's not anyone's fault that we are seperated, we just fell out of love? " Lucifer said on the last sentence like he was unsure.

" Fuck you two, not in a sex way too! " Angel Dust yelled, flipping them off with all of his 4 hands. Alastor teleported Niffty to her room when she fell asleep. " I guess that is all, you guys spend your horrible ruined day however you like! " he joked walking away but was stopped when Charlie grabbed his arm which made him flinch a bit.

" We are going to Cannibal town! " she announced as she drag Alastor out of the Hotel, she yelled " Vaggie! You're in charge! " before she shut the door and left. Lucifer fidgetted with his cane a bit before he said " Yeah! I'm gonna go somewhere too " he said as he teleported away leaving golden sparkles in the air.

Angel groaned loudly " Ugh! What the actual fuck was that?! Don't they see that they were perfect for each other?! " he complained dropping to the couch and laying down " You know Angie, this might be connected to what happened yesterday " Cherri said recalling what she saw in the kitchen with Ariel " What? You mean Lucifer divorced him because he couldn't get along with his relatives? " He asked.

Cherri just shrugged " Hm, I'm just guessing " Stacie took a deep breath before she stood up " I'll be at the balcony if you need me " she said, grabbing her umbrella that was leaning against the couch before she walked up the stairs and into the balcony.

Stacie was leaning against the railing looking over the pentagram with her head supported by her hands. She took a deep breath before she mumbled " Wow I didn't think I'd get emotional over a break up that wasn't even mine " she chuckled before she sighed sadly as she tried to remember her girlfriend.

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