Chapter 4

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"SO LET ME GET THIS straight." Cyrus pauses, looking at Jordyn when she realized what she said. "The dude that sent drinks to our table the other day, is fixing your car?"

"Yea." Jordyn sighs. Her mind had been wondering all over the place since Kameron dropped her off at her shop yesterday. A part of her wondered if she made the right choice, or did she just dig a hole she can't get herself out of.

Cyrus was driving Jordyn to her shop. Derrick having to be at work at eight, along with dropping Kaiori off at his parents' house over twenty minutes away from his job; he didn't have time to drop Jordyn off, so she called her friend to come pick her up, luckily she was off today.

"What did Derrick say?"

"Umm." Jordyn looks out the window when Cyrus asks this, because technically she didn't mention that he was the same dude from the bar. In her opinion, she felt like Derrick didn't have to know all of that information.

Besides, when she did tell him about someone fixing on her car who wasn't the dealership, he was pretty iffy about it and was asking a bunch of questions she really didn't know the answer to. Leading it up to a semi-argument, he decided to let it go, considering it was her car and her money.

Even though he was always the one who paid for any car troubles she had.

"You didn't tell him?" Cyrus looks over at her quickly before focusing her attention back on the road. This was honestly surprising to hear that Jordyn didn't tell him who he was. Knowing that Jordyn loved to tell her husband damn near everything.

So when she realizes she didn't tell him this time, she knew something was up.

Now, don't get Jordyn wrong. She definitely was not about to ruin her marriage over a man she knew for a couple of days. However, during the time she didn't have anybody for help, he was there. Even though they exchanged multiple snarky remarks, and him shutting her down every time, he was a big help, and he didn't seem like the person to run her pockets like the dealership would've.

So why not take up on the offer he proposed her with?

"No. I felt like it would be weird, y'know?" Jordyn says, getting on her phone to distract herself from the pressure that was sitting on her shoulders. She really didn't know how to tell Derrick who Kameron was. She knew he wouldn't want him to fix on her car knowing that he tried to flirt with her before.

However, Kameron did say they can just be friends, even though she felt like it's extremely wrong. She didn't see herself becoming friends with him, knowing it'll fuck up her marriage, but that didn't mean she couldn't get her car fixed from him.

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