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Chan was right...today was already better than yesterday. He let me rest on his leg while I came down from the mind-blowing orgasm he gave me.

Once I felt re-energized, I got out of bed, stretching my arms above my head again and forgetting that my underwear had been discarded somewhere in the sheets.

His eyes wandered down and my face flushed as I dropped my arms to cover myself again. "I...umm...I need to shower," I told him.

"Oh! Right! Follow me."

Chan led me down the hall and stopped in front of one of the many closed doors. He opened it with a grin and showed me, to my surprise, a bedroom. This one was pinker and brighter.

"What's this?" I asked, my brows furrowed in confusion.

He swung his arm out as though he were making a grand reveal. "It's your room."

"My room?" I repeated.

"Yea. I mean...I figured you wouldn't want to share and to be honest, neither did I since we don't know each other that well. I slept on the couch last night in case you were wondering."

I had already known that since I heard him head in that direction last night.

"Anyways," he continued. "I had this room allocated to you. All of your stuff has already been put away."

I walked towards the closet and opened it to find a massive walk-in with all of my things. My phone was on a cushioned ottoman in the middle.

"Thanks," I told him.

"Yep," he smiled awkwardly. "The bathroom is through there. Take your time. I'll have breakfast ready when you're done."

My stomach grumbled at the mention of food. Had I eaten at all yesterday? I couldn't remember.

I hurried to the shower to wash myself as quickly as possible so that I could get something into my stomach soon. When I looked in the mirror, my cheeks were flushed, my eyes were shiny, and my hair was a mess of tangles. I undid Chan's shirt and saw something glimmer on my inner thigh. I reached down and felt the slippery skin where my release had settled.

Fuck. We'd really just done that.

...And he'd been good at it. No, not good. He'd been great at it. He clearly had been right to be cocky.

My stomach flurried excitedly as I recalled how amazing it had felt. His teasing was horrible, but it had ended up being so worth it. Maybe this marriage thing wouldn't be so bad after all.

The idea of having a baby still terrified me, but Chan didn't seem in a rush anymore to have sex, and he didn't want a kid either. Maybe he'd taken care of that problem last night, too. Maybe our parents would let us find our way to each other in our own time.

I unclasped my bra and stepped into the shower. I was too hungry to be in here for long. They'd done a thorough job of cleaning me yesterday before the wedding anyway, and the mess between my legs was really the only area that needed immediate attention.

I was nearly done when a loud alarm began sounding throughout the house. I shut off the water, frantically found a towel to wrap around myself, and rushed into the kitchen. Chan was standing there desperately waving a towel at the grayish-black smoke that surrounded a pan on the stove.

I laughed, and his head turned sharply towards me.

"What happened?" I asked, grabbing an oven mitt from the counter and lifting the pan. I carried it out the back door, leaving it open to get rid of the smoke.

"I turned away for two seconds to take a phone call, and the shit burned," he explained, fanning smoke out the door.

I looked at the remnants of ash on the pan. It was so crisp that I couldn't even tell what he'd been attempting to make.

Til Death... [Chan]Where stories live. Discover now