Vol. 2 Chp. 1: Bad News

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'Italic': Notebook

The atmosphere in class D was always lively in the mornings, mainly because most students weren't serious. However, today was louder than usual, and for good reason. Since it was our entrance ceremony day, we would likely receive some points from the school.

"Good morning. Everyone looks more restless than usual today."

As the bell rang for homeroom, Chabashira-sensei walked into the classroom.

"Sae-chan-sensei, how many points did we receive? I didn't even have a point when I checked this morning!"

"Oh, so is that why you guys were restless?"

"This month, we worked our asses off! We got past the midterms... so isn't it cruel to still be at 0!? We weren't late to class, weren't absent, and didn't whisper!"

"Don't go off deciding things on your own. Let me talk first. Ike, you worked harder than I've ever seen you try. We recognize that. Naturally, the school understands how you feel, too."

After being admonished, Ike closed his mouth and sat back down.

"Well then, these are this month's point totals."

The point results were listed starting from class A on the paper she put on the board.

Class points

Class A - 1034 (+94)

Class B - 822 (+92)

Class C - 661 (+91)

Class D - 170 (+90)

"Huh? Is that...? 170... Did we increase our points!? Woohoo!" After seeing the points, Ike jumped up and down in excitement.

"Don't be so excited already. All the other classes increased their points about the same amount you guys did. The gap didn't get any closer. The reward for just passing the midterm. Everyone was paid about 100 points."

"I see. I thought it was strange that we were awarded points so quickly."

Horikita, who was aiming for class A, looked like she wasn't happy with the points we got.

"Are you disappointed, Horikita? Because the gap has slightly widened."

"It's nothing like that. I got something out of it this time, after all."

"What do you mean, you got something out of it?" Ike stood up and asked Horikita.

 Attracting the attention of the other classmates, Horikita sunk back into silence. After watching the situation unfold, Hirata stood up and answered for her.

"The deductions we got during April and May... in other words, along with whispering and being late to class, there were no other deductions, is what I believe Horikita-san was saying."

The quick-witted Hirata answered without any problems.

"Ah, is that so? If there were a lot of deductions, our 100 points would've been 0."

After having understood the easy explanation, Ike raised his arms in celebration.

"Huh? Then why didn't we get any points?"

Returning to the original question, Ike looked at Chabashira-sensei.

If we didn't get 17,000 points, it would be strange.

"This time, there's a bit of trouble. The points for the first years were delayed. Sorry, but you'll have to wait for a bit longer."

"Eh~, seriously? Shouldn't we get some freebie because the school is having trouble?"

COTE: A Mute GuyWhere stories live. Discover now