Vol. 3 Chp. 1: This Isn't A Vacation

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'Italic': Notebook

The Pacific Ocean's heart boasts an everlasting summer sea, a boundless blue sky, clear air, and a salty sea breeze rustling around the body, all without feeling the sweltering midsummer heat.

"This is the best!" I could hear Ike shouting.

"Shut up!"

That was Karuizawa.

A group of girls led by Karuixawa showed up from the inboard compartments.

Karuizawa pointed at the ocean, radiantly smiling, "Seriously, this scenery here is amazing!"

I isolated myself, making some space between them.

After a minute or two, a familiar girl settled beside me. "What are you doing all alone, Kagurazaka-kun?"

'Looking at the view.'

"It's a beautiful scenery," Kushida sighed.

'Are you tired of wearing a mask?'

Kushida whispered, "I am... I'm tired of acting like a good girl. The only thing that keeps me from bursting is venting all of it somewhere."

Kushida playfully leaned against the railing, "Have you told anyone?"

I shook my head.

"Good," she whispered.

"Come to think of it, I wonder where Horikita-san is? Weren't you two together?" Kushida asked.

'We aren't always together.'

"Maybe she's in her room," Kushida suggested.

"Attention, students. Please assemble on the deck. You will be able to see the island soon. It is a good time to take in some rather significant scenery," came from the ship's PA.

The island appeared on the horizon a few minutes after several students had gathered. I could hear Ike letting out a gleeful cry. Other students noticed and began assembling on the deck. After a crowd had gathered, some particularly domineering boys showed up and started pushing us out of the way to get the best position.

"Hey, you're in the way. Move it, defects."

One of the boys tried to intimidate me and shoved my shoulder. I didn't budge as I stared him down. He seemed slightly nervous when I looked him in the eyes.

"Hey, do you got a problem?!" Sudou responded in kind, trying to intimidate them.

Kushida, looking worried, came to my side.

"You do understand how this school is structured, right? Class D doesn't get any human rights. Defects like you are just that-defective-so you should submit. We're all in Class A over here."

I turned around and leaned on the railing, staring at the island.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

I ignored what he said as I continued staring at the island. I don't care if he was in Class A. I wasn't going to get pushed around.

"Maybe we should leave, Kagurazaka-kun," Kushida looked concerned.

'Worried about me, huh?'

Her eyes showed disgust, but the expression on her face showed concern.


'Okay, let's go.'

I got a good look at the island, anyway.

I departed to the bow of the ship with Kushida and Sudou.

"Oh, hey, you're all here. Huh? What's the matter?" Hirata asked.

COTE: A Mute GuyWhere stories live. Discover now