Vol. 4 Chp. 1: End Of Peaceful Days

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'Italic': Notebook

Three days have passed since the test on the uninhabited island. Nothing of note was happening on the luxurious cruise ship our school provided us with, and a peaceful lull had set in. As we watched the girls who were dilly-dallying their time away, we boys collectively began to expect a destined experience with the girls. This is still a luxurious cruise ship where you can lose yourself in a dreamlike world and forget about everything terrible. It wouldn't be strange if people were to fall in love here.

Besides, I've already heard quite a few stories of students hooking up with each other on this cruise and new couples being born every other day.

I had more significant problems to deal with, though. I wanted to know about this man that wanted me to drop out.

I don't think I was going to get any answers.

The students were incredibly relaxed since the island test had just ended. And it's not exactly a bad thing. The fact that students could stay calm during the test is why we got good results.

"Hmm? Have you been in your room this whole time?" Hirata asked.

I shook my head, 'I've been out. I'm relaxing in my room.'

"Oh, well, do you want to hang out?" Hirata asked.

I haven't spent time with any guys for the last three days.

I didn't have a problem with it.

'What about Karuizawa?'

"It's okay; I can eat with Karuizawa-San whenever I want. It has been a while since we hung out."

'Okay, let's go.'

"Okay, I'll cancel the lunch with Karuizawa-san after all," Hirata pulls out his phone and calls Karuizawa.

I listened as Hirata forcibly shut Karuizawa down and canceled the date.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asked, putting his phone into his pocket.

'Anything is fine with me.'

"Let's go to the deck," Hirata opened the door as I walked out.

"I can't thank you and Horikita-san for the help during the island test and finding the culprit that stole the underwear," Hirata said.

'Did you return Karuizawa's underwear to her yourself?'

"Yeah, after all, Ibuki-san was the culprit so she could accept it smoothly."

Since there was also an on-board pool nearby, male and female students were boldly wearing swimsuits and swimming in the pool. Since the tension of the test had come undone, this was inevitable. It might have been that the pent-up rebellious desire of the students that was suppressed during the island test finally came free to result in this situation.

This was compounded by the fact that you do not need to pay any points for using the facilities provided by the cruise, including food and drinks. Regardless of your points, the above things are all free. Of course, you'd still need to pay to loan swimsuits and other swimming equipment, but aside from that, everything else is free.

By the time we reached the restaurant, over half the seats were filled. The two of us quickly secured the vacant seats in the crowded restaurant.

"To be honest...I have something I'd like to talk to you about," Hirata said.

I tilted my head.

"I would like you to be the bridge between Horikita-san and me; I think Horikita-san will be an indispensable person to Class D in the future, and I would very much like to work with her," Hirata explains.

COTE: A Mute GuyWhere stories live. Discover now