𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬; 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝

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Maybe this won't be as bad as I think it will be. She thought. Who was she kidding? Farah knew the shitshow she was in for the moment she stepped into the lawns of Greendale. She was disappointed that this was what her life had come to.

Farah had big dreams. She wanted to be either a Neurosurgeon or an actress. Which is why she was heartbroken after finding out this was the only hellhole that wanted her at their school. I mean there are people walking around with star-shaped sideburns.

She tried calming herself down I only have to deal with this for a year, then I'll reapply to all those colleges and more. This thought that constantly ran through her head was a comfort to her. She had a second chance next year. For now, Farah was just focused on availing as many people from high school as possible.

'Good morning' Farah heard the voice of her new dean echoing around her through that obnoxiously loudspeaker 'Many of you are new here at Greendale, so as your dean, I thought I would give some inspiration, to you all. What is community college? Well you've heard all kinds of things, like it's for losers or for twenty-something year old drops outs, kids who's ivy dreams were crushed, middles aged divorcees, and elderly trying to keep their mind active, however, I wish you luck.'

What type of half assed inspirational speech was that?

Turns out he misplaced a flash card, but that wasn't Farah's problem. She just needed to find more ways of getting to class making as minimum contact with people from high school as possible.

The persons on that list included;

Troy Barnes - they dated for a brief 1 week in freshman year and despite cheering for him at every game they never spoke outside of that. 

Abed Nadir - She and Abed were married on a playground at ages 5 and 6 respectively. He hasn't stopped loving her since yet he refused to speak and instead opted to stare at her from afar, which was really weird.

Annie Edison - She gave Annie her first Tylenol, which she became addicted to so she can't help but think she indirectly caused her Adderall addiction. 

Avoid them and she'd be on track for a perfect year at the college of her nightmares.

'Hello gorgeous girl from my Spanish class—' A random man showed up behind her, clearly trying to persuade her into something she'd never do on a regular occasion.

'I'm 18'

'Hello random girl from my Spanish class. Jeff. Board certified Spanish tutor. I saw you were struggling in class, so I invite you to pretend like you're in my study group so I don't seem weird in front of this girl. Library at 4.'

'When the teacher asked us our age in Spanish, you said, and I quote 'Six four' '

'Just show up. Respect your elders. i need this' he begged her. Pretty pathetic for a guy his age.

She rolled her eyes at his odd request, and continued with her day. When 3:55 rolled around, Farah began making her way to to the study room. Empty. She knew mystery guy would probably be a while, so she took a seat and took out her books. Farah's eyes flickered around the room, observing everything. The blue walls, the old table, the tall  bookshelf. 'Great, you're here' she was snapped out of her thoughts by the man's booming voice.

'Don't do that _' she realized she knew nothing about the man before her. 'What is your name anyway?'

'Jeff' she chuckled at his response, 'What's wrong with that'

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦ᵃᵇᵉᵈ ⁿᵃᵈⁱʳWhere stories live. Discover now