𝐝𝐚𝐲; 𝐬𝐞𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝

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'Voice Command' Pierce repeated to his phone screen, 4, maybe even 5 times.

'Pierce, the next time you say voice command I will castrate you.' Farah yelled at the elder man, causing him to roll his eyes in annoyance. It has officially been four weeks at Greendale.

Four weeks since Farah's dreams had been crushed. Four weeks since she's had to live the life she'd been dreading. Four weeks since she faced a few fears. And four weeks in a row that Jeffrey Winger had been late to the daily study sessions.


'God bless you, dear' Shirley smiled at Troy whilst the rest of the persons at the table let out soft giggles at his girly sneeze. 'I know we've only been officially friends since college but I totally don't remember you sneezing like that' Farah continued laughing.

'What's so funny?' he frowned at all the laughter that surrounded him but he was met with silence which was finally broken by Jeff's yet again late arrival.

'You can all thank me now, because i've  found the blowoff class of the century. The professor thinks he's in dead poets society. There are no tests or assignments. Just "Day seizing".'

'I like it. When can we enroll?' Farah smiled at the taller man. 'The deadline is tomorrow. I suggest we all do it.' Jeff took the packet of sign up sheets he brought from the class and slammed it in front of Annie.

'Oh no. Some of us are here to actually learn things.' she declined and pushed it to the centre of the the table for another person to sign.

'I'm in.' Troy stated causing a sudden interest to be peaked in Annie 'me too, it sounds educational.'

'Same. The more easy credits I get, the faster I'm out of here.' Farah sighed.

Shirley was onboard with the idea as well, attributing her interest to her love of Robin Williams.

'Abed?' Jeff asked

'Eh, not a fan. In every movie he's in there's an authority figure that gets mad at him for making people laugh' he explained, unaware that Jeff meant his stance on joining the blowoff class.

'No, I meant. Are you going to take the class?'

'Oh can't. My dad will only pay for classes that will help me run the restaurant. It's been struggling since 2001.' he explained.

This statement clearly stuck a nerve in Britta. 'So your dad has your entire life planned out for you?' he nodded yes. 'Are you even interested in falafel?' she asked him.

'I'm interested in making movies. But my dad says all media is western propaganda that negatively stereotypes Arabs.' he explained 'True that' Farah said 'but of course if you get into film you can make movies that change that narrative'

'Thank you Farah' Abed half-smiled.

'Wait you're Arab?' Jeff asked shocked

'I'm half Sudanese bro'


'I wish your dad had seen Aladdin. Jafar was a badass.' Troy stated, the rest of the group completely agreeing with him.

'Abed. How much does a film class cost?' Britta asked him, and upon his answer wrote a cheque for the boy, paying the full amount for the class.

'Woah. Britta, isn't Abed's dad a hardcore Muslim. They're not as understanding as Christians. You could get your head cut off with a salami sword' Shirley rambled, not realizing what she said was racist.

'Pierce will beat that in one minute' Jeff said. Britta handed the cheque to Abed. 'This was really nice of you. The memo says for dreams.' he said showing the paper to the rest of the group.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦ᵃᵇᵉᵈ ⁿᵃᵈⁱʳWhere stories live. Discover now