004. Aww Do You Miss Me?

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I'm sitting on a brown wooden chair on my break period at work when I hear the phone ringing at the front desk. I watch as the bookstore clerk picks it up and speaks. "Hi! This is Janice from Eureka Books, how may I be of assistance to you today?" She's quiet for a moment before I notice she's searching through the bookstore for someone.

Once her eyes land on me she waves the phone over. "Someone's on the phone for you smith!" She yells out. I get up and walk slowly towards the phone. I'm not usually supposed to answer the phone unless I've given a customer our number, and they specifically want to talk to me...and I haven't given out our number or my name to any customers recently?

I grab the phone from her and greet the caller. "Hi this is Elsie Smith from Eureka Books speaking!" "I'm honored to be given such a proper greeting Mrs smith" I hear playfully from the other end. It's Callum and try and hide the smile forming on my face.

"What are you doing calling me on my work phone Mr. Turner" I say still smiling. "I'm not even gonna lie, I missed you."

"We just hung out yesterday" I say laughing and blushing.

"Exactly, that's too long without you."

"Awww do you miss me that bad Turner?" I say giggling.

"Maybe, possibly" he says laughing.

Janice comes back over and taps me, then pointing at the clock, signaling my breaks over.

"I gotta go my breaks over, but I get off at 7 so if you'd like you can meet me at my apartment aroundddddd 8."

"I'll see you then." he says. We both say goodbye and the line cuts.

For the rest of the day I can't help but think about him and smile to myself, feeling butterflies everywhere.


"I'll be right there, one second!" Two knocks on my apartment door, cause me to rush up and sprint to the door, like a young kid sprinting to open gifts on Christmas.

"Hi," I say, gleefully smiling up at him as I open the door.

"Hi Els," he says grinning and handing me a bundle of pink and white tulips.

"Oh my god, these are beautiful!" I say taking them in my hands. "Still kinda cheesy but I'll accept," I say jokingly.

He playfully rolls his eyes at me and waits, "so are just gonna stand at the door orrrr are you gonna invite me in?"

"What are you a vampire?" I say playfully making room for him to walk in.

I placed the flowers on my kitchen counter and turned to face my small kitchen island as he sat in one of the chairs across.

"Well, you have a nice apartment" he says drifting his eyes around the room. "Thank you," I respond placing my hands behind my back.

"So!" I speak up, clapping my hands and turning back around to face my top cabinet. "I bought this brownie mix like a couple weeks ago," I tilt my head up looking at the ceiling, trying to think about the exact date.

"I never got the chance to bake them, because well, I suck at baking!"

"So why did you buy the brownie mix?" He asked confused.

I shrug my shoulders. "Impulsive decision."

He laughs and shakes his head. "Do you even have baking utensils?" He asks.

"Uhhh about that...." I drift off.

"Old-fashioned way it is then." He says standing up from the stool.


The rest of the night consisted of baking and cracking jokes, growing closer by the minute. He told me stories about his past, and I told him stories about mines.

When the brownies were done, we put on La La Land and singing and dancing the night away to all the songs, while trying to copy their movements.

When the movie ended, we both laid down together on a small blanket on the floor to catch our breaths.

We made eye contact and he broke out into a grin. "Hi" he whispered inching closer to me, while softly looking into my eyes. He looked terribly cute, lying on his stomach with his head resting on his hands.

"I should get going now huh," he said looking up at the ceiling.

"No. Stay." I replied, and he looked back me smiling.

This was the best night I'd had in a long time.


The next morning I woke up with Callum's arm wrapped around me, holding me to his side while his other hand played with my hair, I guess he didn't know I was awake yet. I turned around and looked at him.

"Oh you're awake Els." he smiled lightly.

"Mmm barely." I stretched and buried my face more into the pillow.

We'd fallen asleep on my living carpet with a small blanket placed over us, and two pillows.

"You stay here, I'll make you some breakfast." He stretched and got up walking to my kitchen.

"You can cook?" I tease. "Yea, I can make a mean peanut butter and jelly." He replied dead serious. I scoff and place the entire blanket over my body.

"You're a funny man Callum Turner."

"You're an extraordinary girl Elsie Smith."

Authors note!

This chapter was short because it's just a filler but aren't they just the cutest 😇😏

word count - 895 <3

𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙡 // Callum TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now