2: Excitement & Trouble

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Chapter 2

-Allison Orsini-

"You look absolutely beautiful, sister!" I smiled happily as I spun around, feeling my new uniform and soaking in my brother's compliments. I do feel absolutely beautiful.

No one's opinion matters more than my bubba.

"Alright, sit down so I can do your hair." He instructed, and I nodded my head and quickly sat down.

Bubba is my all-in-one. He's not only my twin; he's my other half. Other times, he's also like a father, a mother, and a big brother to me.

"French braid, please." I requested. He kissed the top of my head and started to gently comb my hair.

"Are you excited to go to our new school, bubba?" I asked.

I don't really know how he managed to convince Darren to enroll the both of us in a fancy private school, but Bubba really managed to do it. He always tells me that I deserve nothing but the best and that he promises that he's going to give me the best of what I deserve. I wish I could do that for him too. My twin brother also deserves nothing but the best. I wish he also realized just how amazing he is. All our life, he has taken care of me, despite being the same age as me. I love him very much, and I try to take care of him too.

"Are you excited?" He echoed my question.


"Well, then, I'm excited too." I gave him a glare and pouted.

"You can't agree just because I agreed!" I argued, but he didn't say anything and made me stay still so he could finish braiding my hair.

Atticus always does this. His happiness solely depends on mine; it's like he doesn't have his own anymore. It really upsets me, and every time I try to open it up with him, he just dismisses me or stays quiet. Every time this happens, I feel absolutely useless as his twin sister.

"I'm excited to have new friends, too! Aren't you, bubba?" I asked, hoping to persuade him to open up again.

"I don't need new friends." He blankly replied.

"You do need one. Like they say, no man is an island."

"I'm not an island; I have you as my best friend and twin, Alli, so what more do I need?" He finished my braids and turned his head to look at me while genuinely smiling, making my heart hurt for him.

I quickly threw my arms around him in a tight bear hug.

"I love you lots and lots, Bubba. You are the best brother in the world. I hope you know just how amazing you are." I told him. I felt his arms wrap around me, and his chin rested on top of my head.

We're twins, and we almost look alike, but apparently our heights have a huge difference. I'm a 5'3 pipsqueak, whereas my twin brother is a massive 5'11. It truly is unfair.

"I know, and I thank you for making me feel like that all the time, Alli baby. I love you lots and lots and lots." He replied to me.

"Now, enough; we better get going if we don't want to be late on our first day. Don't you worry about me too much, sister. I'm a big boy already, okay? You just worry about enjoying yourself on your first day at this fancy, rich school, and I'm going to be just fine tolerating all those snobby rich people."

And that's what I intend to do. I am really excited for both of us to meet new people.

Little did I know who the new people we were going to meet.


-Arrington Orsini-

I am in so much trouble.

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