3: Mistaken & Confusion

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Chapter 3

-Atticus Orsini-

As soon as I woke up, I immediately felt my body screaming in excruciating pain.

But I shook it up, not letting my mind focus on feeling the pain. I'm used to pain. In my fifteen years of existence, I grew up with pain, and I experienced all kinds of pain. This wasn't the worst beating I've gotten, but this beating is what makes me most pissed off. It was just so fucking random and sudden, and I was caught in surprise.

I tried to open my eyes even though it was so fucking hard because of how swollen and painful it was, and my eyes would've seriously widened if it were normal as soon as I found the room I was in. What the hell? Where the hell am I?

I immediately sat up and groaned almost instantly because of the horrible pain all over my body.

This room has got to be the most massive and fancy bedroom I've ever been in. Everything looks so expensive and modern. Also, it seems that this is not just some random fancy room; this is someone else's bedroom because of how personalized everything is. There's a messy desk that's filled with all kinds of expensive gadgets, and I don't even have a fucking phone. Also, everything here is filled with finished and unfinished artworks; canvas and papers filled with paint and doodles were scattered everywhere. The owner of this room obviously loves to draw.

But who the fuck is he? Why did they bring me here? I was supposed to... Shit. Allison.

Allison. My sweet sister. She was fucking waiting for me in the library! I need to go to my sister!

I clenched my jaw, trying to ignore the pain, as soon as I jumped out of the coziest bed I've ever laid in and raced towards the door, but as soon as I opened it, I was immediately greeted by an old woman who was wearing maid attire. She looks quite stern and wise beyond her years, as she looks at me disapprovingly for some reason.

"Who the fuck are you?" I snapped, looking at the old woman angrily.

I didn't give a fuck if she's a woman or if she's elderly. Going to my sister is my number one priority right now. I'm ready to fuck up anyone who would dare to stop me.

The old maid gasped and looked really offended, almost like it was so out of character of me when I don't even fucking know her.

"Master Arrington! Is that anyway to speak to the woman who raised you?" She quickly scolds me.

What the fuck did she just say?

Arrington? Who the fuck is that now? I'm not really good with names, but it definitely sounded familiar for some reason. Did these people actually mistake me for that Arrington guy? Is this his bedroom? Why though? To say I'm confused seems to be an understatement now.

Never mind that for now.

"I'm not Arrington, you crazy old hag! Now fucking let me out! I need to go to my sister!" I yelled at her, trying to get past her, but she was a strong and stubborn old hag who kept blocking me; if only I wasn't so badly hurt, I would've fucking pushed her.

"You need to get to bed, young man. You're going to hurt yourself even more. The doctor said you need to rest and don't overexert your body!" What doctor?

I looked down for a moment, and I was surprised to see my body all bandaged up, and I was even wearing fucking pajamas. This Arrington guy really must be living quite a life, having this huge ass bedroom by himself, a maid, and a doctor. This is the kind of life I wanted my sister to have.

"I don't know if one of those boys managed to screw up your brain when they punched you for you to behave like this, young man, but I have had it already with this newfound stubbornness. Guards! Bring Master Arrington back to his bed. It's the Don's instruction not to let the young master out of his room and force him to rest." The old hag snapped her fingers, and in an instant, three guards dressed in black and white suits entered the bedroom.

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