4: Disbelief & Blame

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Chapter 4

-Allison Orsini-

I refuse to believe Atticus left me.

But it's been two hours; it's almost six, and there's still no sign of my brother. He said that he would be quick and that he'd come and get me here in the library, but he still wasn't here. Another minute has passed, and I couldn't take it anymore. I went out of the library to go and look for him. I looked for him in the faculty's office like he said he would, but he was nowhere to be seen there, and the office was already closed.

Where is he?

I started to get really nervous and scared.

He said he'd come and get me; he promised, and my Bubba never breaks his promises. So I know he wouldn't just leave me like this.

Unless something bad happened to him,

My face went pale at the realization, and I felt a sudden ache in my tummy. I've got to go and help my twin. But I have no clue where he is or what happened to him.

I've never felt so useless, and it was a very frustrating feeling knowing that something is happening to my other half and there's nothing I can do.

I know if Atticus is in my shoes, he'd do absolutely anything to go and find me; he wouldn't stop until he'd find me. And I'm determined to do exactly that; I also won't rest until I find him.

He didn't leave me. Something just happened; that's got to be it.

Maybe he went back to Darren's house because of an emergency?

I don't really know, but that's the only place I know he'd go. I have no idea why he didn't take me though.

Before I could process anything else, I suddenly found myself walking back to Darren's house. My hands were horribly shaking as I tightly clutched my bag close to my chest. I would've blamed it for Toronto's cold weather if it weren't for the tears in my eyes. I guess I've been so dependent on my twin brother that it felt so different and scary to walk back home alone, especially now that it's getting dark. My heart was racing rapidly, and I just couldn't help but wish that my brother was doing okay wherever he was. It's only been hours since we've been apart, and I already miss him.

After twenty minutes or so, I finally reached my destination. I stood outside Darren's house, but I hesitated to enter. Bubba's words ring loud in my ears.

"Alli baby, no matter what happens, don't ever go back to the house alone or go anywhere near Darren alone. That man is a mean drunk bastard, and I don't want you to be hurt in any way. I mean, there's no way that you're going to be alone with that bastard, as I'm always going to be here with you, but I just need you to promise me, okay?"

"I promise."

The trouble is, he's not here with me right now, and I'm really all by myself, wondering where he went. There's also no other place I know I could go except here, and Darren is the only person I know who can help me find my twin brother.

I feel horrible breaking my promise to my Bubba, but he's the one who broke his promise to me first.

As long as I find him, everything is going to be okay. I'm going to do everything I can to find him because I know he didn't leave me. He couldn't.

So with that thought in mind, I hesitantly went inside.

Little did I know, I was going to regret ever going inside that house that night.


-Arrington Orsini-

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked Aiden in confusion.

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