4 𓇼 I Guess I'm a Loser.

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"See?" Changbin gestured to the tied rope he finished knotting off, the intricate loops and swivels he made with the twine over the bracey... Thing... The cut chunk off wood on the inside of the ships low railing walls where they tied off the brace ropes at the ends of the yards. He tugged on the rope to fasten the knot onto the post, "Like that."

Meanwhile, Jeongin found himself staring down at his mess of the ropes he had been attempting to tie around the post beside Changbin's. The flailed attempt of circlets misshaped as half of the bundle sloughed off like chunks of rotten skin and the other half was tossed eclectically out of wack with the rest of the loops a few hundred steps behind what the warlock had been showing him. Hung up over the rough burning of the fraying twine sticking into his palm as the wind above protested to rip the bracing rope straight across his hands. The only reason it hadn't been yet because he had been clutching onto the thick roping for his life. The combination of all of it, only causing Jeongin to fumble on the knot he was copying again, "I can't..."

"You can," The warlock procceeded to step over to him, not hesitating for a second before he snatched the rope out from his hands. He hauled back on the brace, tugging the rope down toward the deck as the sail above them fluttered wide in protest to it's edge being yanked on so roughly. Yet the man did it as if fighting against the literal gusts of wind and an extremely heavy sail wasn't all that hard to do; Simply tugging until he had regained the slack that Jeongin lost in his trials to learn, as he then busied himself with looping the rope around the post, "We all start not knowing what the fuck we're doing. You need to give yourself the time to learn how."

Changbin was right about the seasickness: It had taken a few days for Jeongin to not wake up feeling as if his entire body was rejecting his very existence, and aside from the occasional queasiness after a particularly rough wave that knocked them all off their senses, he managed to find a decent balance walking the decks. Those ginger biscuit things also seemed to help quell the sickness. Keeping the churning of his stomach at pay long enough for him to refocus on the horizon with a deep inhale before carrying on.

Unfortunately, what that also meant, was this was the metaphorical 'green light' to the crewmates to start drilling Jeongin with how to properly sail the damn ship. For context, he was learning to be an engineer. And he thought pirate ships were cool. But at no point in his previous life did he think any of the information they started to teach him would be important to know, until, well now. He figured if he was going to be stuck here, he might as well learn a thing or two to pass the time while he figured out how to get back home.

The ship’s sails, the foremast and mainmast carried two square sails, the mizzen mast carried one square sail and lateen (Doesn't know what this means but it looks like a triangle) sail; To change direction when the wind was constant, or to maintain course when the wind changed direction, the position of the sails had to be adjusted; Braces, ropes that were attached to the ends of the yards, which were the big wood beams at the top of the sails, which were held in place by something called halyards (No idea), and the braces were used to swing said sails around; Keeping the sails braced perpendicular to the wind moved them, bracing sails parallel meant they stood still. Together with the ropes used to adjust them, this whole system was called the rigging. The ropes that Seungmin had been climbing up to undo the topmast were called ratlines.

Then there were the ropes called shrouds (He doesn't know) that ran from the sides of the ship to the masts, and stays that were between the masts, then the three masts called the foremast, main mast, and mizzen mast, and the standing rigging, And the halyards (Again, not sure), then the sheets, and the sails, and the braces, and the clewlines (Doesn't know what this is), and— At that point everything else went in one ear and out the other. He caught portions of their lectures over the few days before his brain would subconsciously clock out in the middle of the conversation because it was overworked and underpaid, then suddenly he was snapping back to reality realizing he missed the entirety of the conversation when Changbin or Jisung then asked him to copy what they were doing.

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