7 𓇼 Dude. I Don't Think I Was I Supposed to Touch That.

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Jeongin had been relaxing back with the remedial tasks he had been lying to participate in to help the time passing by, minding his own business while he assisted Minho in shaking out the blankets from the lower decks to lay them in the sunlight for cleaning, when Seungmin made the call. Loud enough for everyone to hear his words. Like an echo that rippled over the decks, a creeping shadowing that hides on the wooden planks as the hours passed on, a break in the horizon that sat against the tides peaking against it. Lowlands. Lowlands hidden in the distance, beyond the end of the bowsprit and the forecastle that grew like a monster churning in the tides of the open seas. Growing and growing in their eyes, hour by hour.

The Kingdom of Miroh. After the days that turned on endless of sailing through open waters, the Kingdom of Miroh was waiting for them to dock and disembark.

He could hardly contain his excitement. Listen. Somehow, he managed. But, give him a break, okay? This would be the first time he had seen solid land in nearly a month and a half. A month. And a half. A month and two weeks. A month. A month. And. Two. Weeks. TWO WEEKS! AND A MONTH! Since he showed up in this strange world.

He hasn't touched dirt since he came to their world, and, sincerely, the lack of grass eating was starting to take a toll on his mental health. He was feeling more delulu as the days passed by. Delulu, pent up, he was about ten seconds away from snapping Changbin's neck for snoring in the hold when they were trying to sleep, Chan kept doing this subtle watching him from a distance before skirting off with threatening giggles, and he accidentally tripped over Minho's tail when he didn't realize the naga had been spending some "Non-human" time by himself so he was irritated with him too, Jisung— Actually he had no complaints about the selkie he liked cuddling with him when he was feeling down (And somehow, Jisung always knew, the guy was like an emotion bloodhound, he knew exactly when Jeongin was more upset than typical), and Seungmin was infuriatingly hot, so.

He spent the entirety of that afternoon on the forecastle deck. His hands braced against the wooden railings as he watched the sunset dipping low beneath the silhouette of that land, where the sky had been painted with crescents of golden eyes that watched the glistening sunlight splashed along the peaks of waves. Where their roseate hues were spread into the water, as if the waves had been tinted with their brilliant dyes. Stained forever more in the serenity the tranquil waves knocked against the hauls of the ship cruising through the troughs settling with currents that didn't dare to challenge the land in it's enormity. His gaze got lost, in the meadows of dusk and the divine nobility of realms he didn't know. Lands he had yet to discovered. That day, the dulcet touch of breeze that cradled his cheeks in fond reverie had been more comforting than anything he had felt before.

He had to admit. There was something oddly... Beautiful about this world.

Beside him, a friendly presence slipped into the space by him. Joining him at the edge of the oaken railings as their gaze followed his. He spared a glance to the one occupying the unbothered air, finding Changbin perching beside him as if to find what he had been looking for as he gaped at the edge of the horizon. As if there was truly something else outside of their reach to find. Beyond maps, beyond the Gods, beyond what they knew. Changbin looked for what it may be by his side; The waistcoat buttoned down and the loose linen shirt he always kept the sleeves rolled away from his forearms, the gentle clicking of chained bracelets and necklaces that laid against his heartbeat, the curl of his hair that caught the misting bubbles from ocean water carried in the wind, he had to admit the warlock was one hell of a looker too.

Folding his elbows over, Jeongin leaned himself down against the railing. Taking care to widen his stance to find stability against the disturbed waves beneath them. And seemingly, hesitating as he remembered a conversation the others danced around a few days prior about Changbin; An experience he had where he had been stalked by a suspicious black cat for nearly two months, unrelated to the weird disappearances of his left sock that turned out to be sprites who used them as sleeping bags. Not important though. Sincerely. Not important. Instead, Jeongin turned his eyes back to the looming shores in the distance, "Are you from there? Miroh."

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