9 𓇼 Leviathans, The Deadly Overgrown Sea Noodles

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Slitted eyes of an emerald glaze pierced through him as the monster towered far above them on the docks. Scaled fins and frills that bordered along the wide square of the unhinging jaw as it's spine twisted beneath the weight of the head, where rows upon rows of sharpened teeth presented themselves dangerous enough to bite the docks they stood on in clean halves. Rooted tapping of a vibrating clicking that bassed inside of his eardrums and suffocated pressure inside of his lungs, a roar that built up, waiting to bellow into the air as it's scaled skin warbled in time to the beast's movements. Enormous enough to swallow him in one bite as he slowly backed away. Monstrous enough in it's odd beauty to crush galleons as if the coiling of it's body beneath the waves was nothing.

And, now, Jeongin isn't an expert on sea serpents or any sort of mythical creature but from what it sounds like, that's... this is a lot bigger than a sea serpent should've been.

He pointed up at the monster, "Uh, so, it's not supposed to be that big, right?"

With eyes blown wide, Seungmin was the first to react by taking off toward him, "Jeongin, move!"

Glottal gurgles ricocheted inside of his ears. Throaty humming that vibrated down to his bones, quaking them unhinged from their joints as he whipped back to the serpent dwarfing him to nothing but a speck in those vicious eyes.

The jaws unhinged wider as it's head twisted. Plummetting downward.

Toward Jeongin.

"OH FUCK," In a panic he lunged to get back, diving away from the end of the dock as his forearms braced his impact against the ground. Despite them scraping, bruising up as aches flared up his skin, his shirt catching on the splinters from the wood—

Behind him, a shrill shriek that roared from the serpent's choiring chords covered the snapping of planks underneath it's weight. The breaking of the jutted dock he stood on, snapping as he scrunched his head underneath the protection of his arms guarding from the pieces that flung, to protect himself from the rogue wave that knocked in anger from the serpent's body.

Once washed over him, he pressed himself up to his feet as Seungmin's hand tangled into a fist on his shoulder blade. Using the clasped grip to help Jeongin stumble back onto his feet.

With a mystified gasp, those golden eyes glimmering with the moonlight casting rays onto the heavenly glow that fae gave off, Chan raised his arms in welcome to the serpent raising from the water again, "Oh, you are beautiful...!"

Minho grabbed his wrist, sprinting away as he hauled the fae after him to catch up with Changbin and Jisung far ahead, "Not the time to admire the arcane!"

"I have lived over 400 years, I have sailed all my life, and I have not once seen a leviathan, Minho!"

"That's great! And it's trying to kill you— time to go!"

Behind him, the waves groaned with fury as the beast slammed underneath the surface once more. Rustling and hushing their own sounds as the serpent, no, the leviathan churned against the waters. Coiling beneath it, the shadow that trailed alongside the docks as the anchored ships bobbed with the rogue storm that frantic spinning brought.

The currents that slammed up against the pillars holding the docks rooted, threatening to tip the tied ships over, that silhouette chasing them.

Emerald eyes emerged from the surface again.

If it wasn't for Seungmin's hand suddenly tightening on his shirt, firmly stopping him in place, he would've been swept away by the velocity that creature rammed into the docks with. He would've been carried away by the debris, by the body that coiled in tandem, beneath the fins on the tail that slammed against a rooted sloop and knocked the masts on that smaller ship down. The sails ripping apart while the heavy tail smashed the decks apart.

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