part ❤️ 6

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The next day, Tay arrived at the café first and took a seat at a table. As he entered, the entire café fell into silence, the owner and staff recognized him immediately,

Staff: "Good morning, sir. What can I get for you today?"

Tay: "Just a black coffee, please."

Staff: "Certainly, sir. Right away."

As the staff member hurried off to fulfill Tay's order, Tay couldn't shake the feeling of being under a spotlight. He glanced around the café, noting how the other patrons discreetly watched him, some with admiration and others with caution.

Tay: (to himself) "Can't a guy get a cup of coffee without feeling like he's on display?"

Growing impatient with the wait, Tay glanced at his watch and decided to send a message to New. He tapped out a quick message, informing New that if he didn't arrive within a minute, Tay wouldn't wait any longer. Almost immediately, New replied, indicating that he was already there.

As New entered the café, he noticed the unusual silence that enveloped the atmosphere, and the lingering glances of curiosity from the patrons. Ignoring the tension, he made his way through the café, locking eyes with Tay who sat at a table. Tay's expression held a mixture of surprise and confusion, as if he didn't expect to see New there.

Approaching Tay, New didn't say a word but instead turned his attention to the man sitting across from him. The man looked up, meeting New's gaze, and for a moment, they silently assessed each other. New couldn't help but wonder if this was truly Tay or someone else, while Tay, too, questioned the identity of the man before him, struck by his beauty and demeanor.

Breaking the silence, Tay finally spoke up, his tone cautious yet intrigued. "Who are you, and why are you standing in front of me?" he asked, his gaze locked with New's, both of them caught in a moment of uncertainty and curiosity

"I am New Thitipoom Techaapaikul,"
Tay's voice carried a cold edge, resonating with a deep, commanding tone as he introduced himself to New.

"I am Tay Tawan Vihokratana," he declared, his words laced with an icy detachment. Despite the chill in his demeanor, Tay motioned for New to take a seat,

As New settled into the seat opposite Tay, a member of the café staff approached their table, ready to take their orders. New glanced up at the server, his expression composed yet determined.

"A latte, please," he requested politely, his tone reflecting a sense of calm amidst the tension of the moment. With a brief nod of acknowledgment, the staff member turned towards Tay, awaiting his order or response.

Tay's response was terse and straightforward. "Nothing," he stated flatly, his gaze fixed on New.

Cutting to the chase, Tay posed a direct question to New, his tone sharp and probing. "Why are you willing to marry me? What are your intentions?" His words hung in the air, charged with a mix of skepticism and urgency as he awaited New's response.

"Look,mr Tay," New began, his tone measured yet earnest, "I know this might seem strange to you, but my situation is complicated. My mother's health is deteriorating rapidly, and the only way to afford her treatment is through this marriage.Your father,he's the one who arranged this marriage. He's willing to provide the financial support we need for my mother's medical expenses."

Tay's tone was laced with frustration and disbelief as he confronted New with his accusation. "So, you didn't do it for your mother's condition, did you? I know you all too well. You just love money. Even if your mother was in critical condition, you would have found another way. But instead, you chose to marry a wealthy boy. I can't believe you, New."

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