part ❤️ 8

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As Tay and New entered the office, they were greeted by their colleagues. New returned the greetings with a warm smile, but Tay remained aloof, heading straight to his office without acknowledging anyone.

New, feeling a bit awkward about Tay's behavior, followed him quietly, trying not to draw attention to the situation. Once inside Tay's office, New took a seat, waiting for Tay to begin their workday

Tay gestured to New to follow him to his office, which was located next door. New nodded and got up, heading to his own office to begin his work for the day. As New settled into his workspace, he couldn't shake off the unease he felt about Tay's distant demeanor.

As New focused on his tasks, he suddenly heard Tay's voice, loud and sharp, reprimanding someone for their mistake. New couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort at the way Tay was speaking to their colleague. It made him wonder how someone could address their employees in such a harsh manner.

As the workday came to an end, everyone went their separate ways. New finished his tasks and waited outside the office, unsure whether to head home alone or wait for Tay. When Tay finally emerged from the office, he noticed New waiting there.

Tay: "Why haven't you gone home yet?"

New: "I was waiting for you."

Tay: "Why?"

New: "I don't know. Everyone else has already left, but you were still working."

Tay seemed puzzled by New's response, perhaps surprised by his willingness to wait.

Tay: "You wanted to go to the apartment, didn't you? Why didn't you go there?"

New: "It's already 12 pm, so I don't want to go today."

Tay: "Okay, then let's just head home."

As they returned home and finished dinner, they headed to their respective rooms to rest. Tay remembered that New had a headache from sleeping on the sofa the previous night. Understanding New's discomfort, Tay kindly suggested, "You can sleep on the bed tonight."

New, equally stubborn, retorted, "I can sleep on the sofa."

When New insisted on sleeping on the sofa, Tay's frustration boiled over. "I told you to sleep on the bed. It's meant for you," he asserted firmly. "Do you hear me? And don't talk back to me. I told you, I don't like people who talk back to me."

New lay down on the bed, feeling a surge of irritation. Why was Tay treating him like this? He hadn't done anything wrong. He wanted to cry, to let out the frustration and confusion building inside him, but he refused to do it in front of Tay.

As Tay lay down, frustration gnawed at him. Why was New being so stubborn? He had allowed him to sleep in his own bed, a gesture of kindness he rarely extended to anyone. Yet, New seemed ungrateful, insisting on sleeping on the sofa. Tay couldn't shake the feeling that somehow he was in the wrong, despite his efforts to accommodate New. With those thoughts swirling in his mind, they both drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Tay woke up early, finished his shower, and then went over to New to wake him up.

New then woke up and looked at Tay in disbelief. Tay was the one who spoke again, "You have to wake up early because you want to go to your apartment to see your mom. So get up and be ready in 10 minutes."

"Will you take me there?" New asked.
Tay replied, "Yes."

New felt happy and headed to the washroom, telling Tay "I'll be ready in 10 minutes".

Tay couldn't help but notice how beautiful and cute New looked when he smiled. He shook his head, trying to dismiss the thought. After all, New was just a boy.

A Tale of love's challenge 2Where stories live. Discover now