part ❤️ 13

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As New fell asleep on the sofa, Tay noticed and gently nudged him, saying, "New, get up and go to our room to sleep."

New stirred awake and mumbled, "I don't want to go. I feel sleepy. I'll sleep here. I don't want to walk now."

Tay didn't respond with words but instead lifted New into his arms like a child. Startled, New asked, "What are you doing?"

"You said you didn't want to walk to the room, so I'll carry you there," Tay explained.

Realizing Tay's intent, New protested, "Now I'm fully awake. You don't have to carry me. Put me down. I can walk to the room."

"I've already carried you, so I'll bring you there. Just stay still," Tay insisted.

New, realizing he couldn't resist, wrapped his arms around Tay's neck and rested his head on Tay's chest as Tay carried him to the room. Tay gently laid New on the bed and switched off the light before lying down beside him. New couldn't help but wonder why Tay was being so kind to him now. As he glanced at Tay, who was now asleep, New closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep as well.

As the two months passed, New and Earth became good friends in the office. Despite Tay still scolding New occasionally for not listening to him. Off, Arm, Gun, New, and Tay began to hang out together more often, and they grew closer to each other.

As Earth approached New in the office, he said, "New, today is my birthday. We're having a party at my home. Can you come?"

New hesitated, replying, "Earth, I have work to do."

Earth persisted, "New, you haven't gone out with me when I asked you during these months. But this is my birthday. You can bring Gun if you like."

New felt conflicted but before he could respond, Earth continued, "I know you're married, New, but you also have a life to spend and hang out. Today, I will not listen to your excuses. You will come, and that's final."

Feeling pressured, New reluctantly agreed, "Okay, I will come. I'll bring Gun too."

"Great! Be there at 6 PM," Earth said before leaving.

New then realized he needed to inform Tay about coming home late. However, his phone was dead, and he had left his other phone at home. He decided to inform the office staff to relay the message to Tay. Afterward, New went to Gun's house and told him about the birthday party, and they both headed to Earth's house for the celebration.

Tay emerged from his office, intending to head home. He checked New's cabin to see if he had finished his work, but found it empty. Concerned, he asked one of the staff, "Have you seen New?"

The staff member replied, "No, sir."

Tay nodded and proceeded to the front door of the office. As he walked, a gate attendant called out to him, "Sir."

Tay stopped and looked at the gate attendant, asking sharply, "What do you want?" The gate attendant replied, "Sir, New said he'll be coming home late today. He didn't call you because his phone is switched off."

"Why didn't he come to my office and tell me directly? And where did he go that will take him so long to come back?" Tay exclaimed, his voice rising.

"I don't know, sir. New just told me he'll come home late," the gate attendant replied.

Tay sighed and said, "Okay, next time if he goes somewhere like this, call me first before letting him go." With that, he headed to his car to go home, still puzzled by New's actions.

At the party, New and Gun were enjoying themselves when one of Earth's friends approached New and asked, "Why aren't you drinking?"

New replied, "I have zero alcohol tolerance, so I don't drink."

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