Part 32: The European Tour

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Waking up in sunny Madrid, is one of the best feelings out there. It's different to LA heat, the air is much nicer and so is the view. Seeing as I'm now 9 hours ahead of my girlfriend. I send her a goodnight text knowing she's still awake.

Goodnight Billie
Love you
9:32 am

Goodmorning to you
Hope you have fun today
You'll do great
Miss you already
Love you too
9:33 am

I smile at my phone before getting changed into some jean shorts and an oversized T-shirt. We have to be in the lobby by 1, doing some sight seeing before we head to the venue. When I unlocked my door I see River closing his behind him.

"Goodmorning River" I say skipping up to him

"Morning sunshine you're very happy" he says, his face plastered with a smile

"I am!" I sing with spinning making him laugh "I've gone crazy from the jet lag but I also know today is going to be a good day"

We enter the lift and walk out to see Sarah, Grayson and tour manager mark. We exchange goodmornings and head to a small cafe for breakfast which was delicious. It reminds me of being a kid on holiday.

We walk around Madrid looking at the architecture and history. Bumping into a few fans on the way, we take photos and sign things.

After a few hours we all head to the arena, thank god it's air conditioned. The doors open in around 3 hours and we have around an hour until sound check. Although we've rehearsed it over and over this will be a great opportunity to lay it out on a proper stage.

When we're able to step out onto the stage, I see it all laid out like we'd planned.

"In a few hours this will be full of our fans" Grayson says as we all stop my the end of the stage

"I cannot wait" River adds

"I've missed this feeling" I say before we take a photo together and post it, trying to build hype for tonight's show.

After eating lunch backstage, it was time for sound check. Normally we'd do a song or two but today we're running the full set. I grab my guitar and plug it in. River goes first banging out his drum kit till the sound tech can get the right levels. I follow and then Grayson sings then we all play together.

As soon as sound check is over I get off stage and FaceTime Billie

"Hey baby how are you" I say as her pretty face appears on my screen

"Good thank you my love what time is it there" she says

"It's currently 6pm doors open in an hour and then we're on at 8:30 or 9 I think" I reply

"How you feeling about it" she asks sweetly

"I'm really excited, a tad nervous but we've rehearsed it to death"

"You're gonna do well, make sure someone sends me videos" as billie speaks I hear someone shout my name for wardrobe, so I take my phone with me to go change.

"I will baby don't worry, the venue is huge how we sold this place out I don't know. Got to thank that Grammy and maybe you for the fame" I say as I change into my suited outfit. When I look at the screen for billies reply she's just looking at me blankly "did you hear what I said babe?"

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat