Part 33: The European Leg part 2

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Tonight is the final night of our European tour, it's been a month already and tonight we're in Paris. So far the German crowds have been the loudest but I'm sure when we get to England the primary school assembly singing will be put to use.
Billie and I's relationship has remained strong we've FaceTimed every night even when she's with her mum who I've also grown close with. I get to see her in a few days and I cannot wait.

I've been to Paris before but the boys haven't. Although we went clubbing last night which was not the first time on this tour the French people sure know how to party so we are done. Half of this day has been spent sightseeing while also eating a lot of delicious and definitely too fancy food.

The concert rolls around quick. The boys and I are all stood backstage on FaceTime to Mia before we go out.

"I wish I could've come, it sounds amazing" Mia says

"That's what she said" River replies earning a stern look from Mia.

"Shut up and hand the phone to Y/N and then let me talk to her in peace" Mia says

River stares at the screen in confusion before he seems to remember something and hands me the phone. He then tells Grayson to follow him as they walk away leaving me confused

"Am I in trouble" I say while laughing nervously

"Y/N when's the last time you checked your phone" she says hesitantly making me more nervous

"I text my parents like an hour ago and Billie" I reply

"Did Billie seem normal?" Mia says

"Yeah we had a short conversation, I told her I'd be busy" I'm starting to get frustrated as to why Mia is being like this

"I sent you an Instagram story, I know you don't go on it often. It's Odessa's story. It's a picture of them together at brunch or something" Mia says

Are you fucking kidding me? I try to keep my composure because we're about to go on stage in a few minutes. I'm not even sad about it anymore I'm just angry.

"Is it just them? What time did she post it? Does it look platonic? She didn't mention it to me" I spew out a bunch of questions

"She uploaded it about about 2 hour ago, they're with other people. Im sure it's nothing to worry about" Mia stays calm as I freak out

"How long have you known?" I interrupt her

"I sent it to you as soon as I saw it and I told river" she says innocently

"Thanks Mia love you bye" I say shortly and end the call. "River get in here"

Him and Grayson come back in sheepishly, probably because of the tone of my voice

"You fucking knew and you didn't tell me?" I say angrily

"I'm sorry I was gonna wait till after the show so it didn't ruin the mood" he says

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I spit out "my relationship is a more important than the fucking mood" I say

Grayson snaps his head towards me and places his hand on my chest before sternly saying "Stop, Y/N go walk it off" I look at him surprised "Now" he commands.

I push open the double doors and begin to pace back and forth we've got about 5-10 minutes before we go on and now this? Our last night before the UK and she does this. I have to see her too.

As I pace around I realise that I need to apologise to River. So I walk toward the lounge and swing open the doors making both boys stand up.

"Listen River, I'm mad at Billie for going behind my back but she's not here so I used you to take my anger out and I cannot be sorry enough. I shouldn't have talk to you like that" I say sincerely, hanging my head low.

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now