Part 38: The End of Tour

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Tonight is the last night of tour, we've played 3 London shows so far which have been amazing of course. We've all spent some quality time with eachother, our families and Towa and Renee. Renee and Billie have become good friends and honestly if they collab and break the internet I'm taking credit. Billie and I have been in our own little bubble and I feel bad for not hanging out with my band mates as much as normal but we're all enjoying our relationships. It was hard saying goodbye to my parents and Flo but the thought of seeing them in a few months helps.

Before the show Sarah pulled me aside, the same look on her face as a week ago.

"Y/N I need to talk" she says as I nod and put my phone away "The damage control I said I would do got away from me and now there is more articles out there"

"What articles Sarah?" I ask, not that I normally check what the media say but I've made sure not to look this week knowing the photos.

"Some are branding you as a cheater after the hug with Dylan but mostly it's just about your performances and Billie" she explains obviously trying to soften the blow

"Are you taking the piss" I say

"I know Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm trying to sort it" she replies

"Sarah what the fuck do we pay you for" I say and she hangs her head "I'm sorry, just don't tell anyone ok?" She nods in reply and so I pull her into a quick hug and go get ready.

For our final show we've decided to go all out. Towa begins her opening act preforming a few songs and for her final two I go on stage playing guitar with her. The crowd goes wild as we lean into each other, shredding on the guitars simultaneously.

During our set we started out as normal however Renee agreed to come out for our penultimate song, her and Grayson sound amazing together and the crowd is going wild. By the end of the concert it had turned into a party with all 8 of us singing and dancing with the crowd.

"Thank you so much London for being amazing tonight we hope you've had a good time, I'd also like to thank these people on stage you've made the past 2 months even more incredible , and finally thank you to our team who put this all together" Grayson says

"We will see you soon" River says and we all exit the stage

When we've all exited the stage, we continue our end of night rituals jumping and hugging but this time we're celebrating the end of the tour. Tonight we're all going to get smash and we're taking the boys to Londons gay clubs.

We all return to the hotel to change quickly. Billie and I enter our hotel room

"I'm so proud of you baby" Billie says swinging her hands around my neck

"Says little miss sold out world tours" I reply kissing her.

"What was up with you before the show" she says pulling away from the kiss her arms still round my neck

I pull away from her and sigh, sitting on the bed "Sarah told me about the news" I say

"What news?" She questions

"Remember the article of me hugging Dylan, everyone is painting me out that I'm a cheater" I explain

She sits next to me "You know the media will lie to get a story Y/N"

"Billie it's not just that" I start "It's the stress of everything and I have been trying so hard to act happy for the last month of this tour when all I want to do is cry sometimes"

"Baby what-"

I interrupt her before she can continue "Firstly I was struggling being away from you and then you went out with Odessa. The second I'm miles away from you, you met up with the one person I could ever have a slight problem with, how do you think I felt? And then you show up here unannounced and I really appreciated it but that is a lot. On top of that I see my ex for the first time in 2 years and I have to pretend like that is not weird because I fucked up and let her hug me. But most of all now even after all of that the media thinks I'm a cheater and I have never been talk about like that. Even if I did meet up with her I couldn't have been cheating because we're technically not together. But I would never do that because it has always been you"

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now