Just a call away

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Why is it so hurtful for just a call?

How tragic we can't even talk

It's dramatic and not healthy at all It suffocates me

Not to hear your voice once in a while

I need you I need your voice

Why is it so unfair when you and I

Both know we want each other

But the stars refused to align

I keep disappointing you and am afraid

You might feel enough and leave me all over again

I hate it

When I can't full fill your wishes

When you did everyone of my own

I'm afraid you might leave me

Thinking I don't feel the same anymore

My milaya I swear to god

The news really did surprised me to the best account

It felid emotions up to my veins with nothing but sadness

It can't be the same anymore

I can't be the same anymore

I never judged my mom over anything but I do now cause of you

I shouldn't really do this anymore

I need to put my needs and interests first

Before anything and that includes you

I need to get reed of the sources of you

I refuse to agree to anything that shouldn't be right

That doesn't feel right

This doesn't feel right

I refused to believe that this is right

But this is true

It's true that this is right

You are not a distraction, no

You don't make things worse, no

It's me who gets distracted easily

I do things I shouldn't be doing

And it makes things worse

I make things worse

Dead Souls She Ones LovedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt