Dead souls receive more roses

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She was alive well and fine

With nothing but life in her eyes

People called her crazy and mad

But she didn't care

She never did

Many insulted her with nothing but words

The words that formed knife sharper and thin

They stabbed into her heart

Tearing her soul apart

Pain in the form of tears rolled down her eyes

She felt betrayed and hurt but still

Didn't lost hope at all

She never hated her world

She understood it

But now after all the betrayal and pain

She stopped taking anything that might hurt her to hurt

She gave the world another chance

She looked at people with admiration and love

The world worked according to her wish

The reality was hers to create and dance

She had love in her eyes

But the love didn't lasted long

Her eyes gave up

Early and young

She left way too young

Way too early for the world to remember

She didn't receive any flowers when she was young and full of life

She had no one to take any from

But when she slept and never woke up again

Flowers welcomed her at her door step

Her grave full of tons of flowers and rose petals

The flowery sent never left her skin

Butterflies always surrounded her grave

Some thought they were here to take her away

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