chapter 6

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"I picked the lock off of your bike and set it against the wall while I was waiting" he said as he skated over to me.

"First, how did you know it was my bike and second what made you think that was okay?" I asked on the bridge of freaking out on him.

"Well it's the only bike there and all the other cars looked like mom vans and fuck boy mobiles, just put two and two together" he said as he directed me over.

"What did you want to do?" I ask while retrieving my bike from off of the wall.

"I want to race you" he says dead serious.

"Race me? Like me on my bike and you on your skateboard?" I ask.

"Yeah, I would say we do it in this empty street but it's nearing 5 o'clock so I am assuming it's going to get busy, so let's go behind the diner" He says already skating around back.

As I follow him I see through the window Brock and the rest of them getting their food. But from this angle I can see Carol caressing August thigh to his privates.

As I stare angered at the sight I contemplate bitch slapping the both of them for hurting Brock. But I continue to follow Landon out back.

"I totally SMOKED you, you literally ate my dust" Landon says.

I roll my eyes at his revelation because the only reason he won was because my bike tires got caught on a pebble and I scraped my knees.

I thought he would be a gentleman and stop to help me but he continued the fucking race and laughed at me while he finished.

"Well can you at least help me up?" I say while looking at the scrapes on my knees.

He helps me up and tells me to sit on his skateboard so he can push me to the front of the diner.

At the front I see the core four coming out, so I took that as my time to confront August privately.

"Oh my, Lav what happened? Are you okay?" Brock asked worriedly as he rushes to my side.

"Yes I am darling, thanks for caring. Could I talk to August for a moment?" I say looking directly at him.

He doesn't skip a beat, he comes over picks me up bridal style and tells Brock to take the girls home.

"Thanks for having fun in my pain, I hope I see you around" I yell at Landon while he looks at me confused and skates away.

Brock walks to his car to take the girls home while double taking at us.

August sets me in the passenger seat and moves himself to the drivers seat.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why what?" he shrugs off.

"Why would you continue sleeping with her after you told me you felt like garbage after you did it the first time?" I say staring into his forest green eyes.

He looked shocked then shamed, as his tough exterior went away.

"You left me, you left me after I put my all out there. Carol was tired of trying to prove herself to Brock and we were both so vulnerable it just happened" he spills out.

"What about Alissa? I know she hates my guts but not only are you being heartless with your best friend but with your girlfriend too. And for what?
Because you're insecure when it comes to love?" I say angrily.

"I was on the brink of falling in love with you and you just ghosted me for no reason-" he states.

I cut him off, "NO REASON? You literally got into a full fledge relationship with someone you clearly looked infatuated with, someone you didn't care to show off. So my bad if I finally recognized my worth" I yelled.

He made the move to kiss me, hard but I pushed him off because he was deflecting. Deflecting because I am so close to him expressing his true emotions. The ones he didn't want to face.

"Stop! Every time you feel like shit or need me to play therapist, you list all the reasons you love me, all the reasons we should be together. But it hurts, it hurts that you would show Carol off if it meant she actually loved you back" I cry out.

"That you even showed Alissa off as a decoy girlfriend. But with me you wanted to keep me a secret, with no reason to, claimed that you loved me like no other but no you don't because you don't know what love is." I say pained.

He looks at me with tears brimming his eyes. He turns away from me while starting the car. I believe I hear him mumble something.

"I didn't hide you to hurt you, I hid you so my reputation doesn't run you off"

He goes by the store for rubbing alcohol, neosporin and some band aids for my scrapes.

We're in his bathroom right now and I am sitting on the sink while he is crouching down to play doctor.

I wince when he puts the alcohol on my knees.  When he hears me, he rubs over them softly then kisses them before moving onto the next step.

When he did that I ran my fingers through his hair entranced how fast his emotions towards me has changed.

When he finished, he stepped in between my legs. He puts his hands on both sides of my face, kisses my forehead, then speaks.

"I'm sorry I treated you like shit. I'm sorry for treating Brock like shit. I'm just sorry that I'm not the person I thought I could be to you."

I put my fingers through his hair to relax him. He leans into my touch while he continues talking.

"I think I'm so insecure on if I can trust people, new people who could affect my feelings, my life and the way I function. You changed everything, if you'll let me I want to be with you, I really do" he yearns.

"Then why when you did have me you perused another girl just to fuck your best friend's girl, the girl you told me she's the first person to ever make you feel love?" I questioned.

"You ghosted me, I would never have done that if you were still with me" he says sternly.

"Then what about Alissa?" I ask.

"What about her? I don't care for her the way I do for you. She doesn't make me question myself, she doesn't have any conflict with me, challenges me, you do all those things. You don't let me coast by, you make me want to do better" he says with emotion ingrained within his voice and his eye contact.

I move him closer to kiss his forehead, his cheeks and a soft kiss on his lips. We stay distanced to the point we're breathing in each other's air, a moment sacred.

He caresses my hair as he breaths out, "I want you and I will stop being scared to prove it to you" he says.

"Okay" I say.

"Okay? Ahh Okayy" he yells laughing out. Smiling from ear to ear happy and relieved that we would be together.

We make out on the bathroom counter for longer than we should have and let our love speak for itself, through each other.

Not just love. True love.

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