"Tell that husband of yours, that we are coming for him." The green eye man hissed. 

This angered me, as I kicked his groin again this time harder. 

I didn't give him time to recover as I kicked him in the jaw causing him to hit face first in the ground. 

I didn't look back as I sprinted back to the home, in heels. 

My hip was burning with pain, and I knew it would bruise badly if it hadn't already. 

I ran for like 10 minutes before I made it home.

The man clearly didn't follow, to afraid to get caught.

I made it to the gate as the guard reached to help me before I stepped away. 

I'm still in a state of shock, and some unknown man touching me will panic my body even more. 

I entered the home, as I saw no one was around. 

I stumbled into Gio's office crying. 

His eyes landed on me as he looked up. 

He saw me sobbing and struggling to walk any further as he rushed by my side, picking me up. 

He sat me down on his lap as I sobbed in his chest, hiding my face. 

I could sense someone else in the room, but didn't look up. 

"What happened?" Gio asked me searching for any injuries. 

His hand landed on my hip making me wince in pain. 

He unbuttoned my jean lightly, to look at my hip better. 

I looked down too and was shocked to see blood. 

He dug his nails into me so hard-

Tears streamed down my face even more. 

"What happened!" I heard a rough voice making me jump, and look up to see Wolf. 

How was he here? 

"Aria?" Gio called in a serious tone as Wolf got a first aid kit. 

"I went for a walk when some man attacked me. He caught me off guard." I explain and Gio nodded. 

Wolf leaned forward to clean my wound but I pulled back. "No. Gio." I said as I looked at Gio. 

I wanted Gio to do it, not Wolf. 

I was still pissed at him. 

Gio sighed as he nodded as he started cleaning my wound. 

Wolf had gotten up slamming the door behind him. 

I didn't care-

Just the way he didn't. 

"I'm sorry." Gio said making me look at him. 

"I had a feeling something was wrong. You don't usually go on walks for that long." Gio said making me look at the time. 

1 hour-

How did it take me 1 hour?

Gio had cleaned my wound as I curled up into his chest not wanting to let go. 

"It's not your fault." I whispered as tears streamed down my face, my body shaking slightly.

I may be able to fight, but I'm still weak hearted. 

The man appeared out of no where shocking me. It will take time for my body to calm down from the sudden fear. 

"You should shower." Gio said taking off my heels, but I shook my head burring my face deeper into his chest. 

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