Chapter 35: Interior

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Chapter 35: Interior

*Alexa Shiffer*

I sat in class with my face half covered by my hand, supporting my head, which was drooping towards the desk and the promise of a much needed power nap. I had wasted my evening yesterday worrying about things that were probably just an after-effect of the problems I had been going through recently. I was paranoid at everything and all I can say is that, with the number of scenarios my brain had run through, it was a wonder that I even managed to get into school this morning. Thank god it was Friday.

I adjusted my hand so that my eyes couldn't be seen by my teacher, and picked up my pen, moving it back and forth steadily to make it look as if I was writing. I couldn't remember the last time I had actually done any work in lessons. I always seemed to have something on my mind and I was reaping the effects of this. I slid the test paper that had been returned to us under my exercise book guiltily, removing from my sight that horrible 'B' scribbled on the front. I felt myself slowly drifting off, the table winning the tug of war on my brain against whatever the lesson was about.

A high pitched giggle reminded me of the second reason I had my hand covering my face, and it automatically sprung back into place. Yes, I knew that a hand wouldn't make me invisible, but it distracted me and meant that I wouldn't have to make eye contact with Natalie. She was not exactly in my good books right now, after the way she had swooped in as soon as I was done with Jordan. I had been avoiding her, and so far, it had worked.

She was sat just a few desks away from me, so I could hear all of the conversations she was having with those around her. It wasn't like I was purposely trying to listen, but my brain somehow just singled out her voice to me, demanding me to listen. The things that she spoke about were of no interest to me anyway. I didn't care about celebrities and the things they wore, or even who was dating whom in the school. Especially the dating topic. I was just waiting for Natalie to bring up Wednesday night. I knew she would, especially since I was sitting close to her and would probably hear everything. I knew she liked making people feel jealous and I wasn't in the mood for it.

The moment came just five short minutes later. My pen was still supposedly writing and my elbow was beginning to ache from the weight of my head pressing down on it.

"And on the topic of dating..." Natalie gave a dramatic pause causing those around her to wait in anticipation. "I'm sure that you all know that I went with Jordan to Jack's party on Wednesday night." She giggled, setting off giggles around her.

"Yeah, we saw the pictures," a girl beside her said excitedly. I rolled my eyes.

"Me too," I whispered to myself, staring at blank pages.

"Wait, so does that mean that you two are dating now?" a different girl asked. My pen stopped moving without conscious effort and I looked up hesitantly, waiting for the answer.

"Ahh," Natalie squealed, "I guess so!" The girls around her joined in with the squealing whilst I returned my wide eyes to my book.

I had been half expecting that response ever since the party, but the words still caught me off guard.

"If I'm going to be honest," Natalie continued, "I should have seen it coming, I mean it's not like we hadn't been out before."

"What do you mean? A girl asked. "Jordan's been dating Alexa for the past few weeks."

I finally raised my head and looked over at Natalie's table at the sound of my name. I noticed Natalie's eyes flicker towards me for a split moment before smiling and pretending not to notice me.

"Well, yeah," Natalie continued, "but that didn't stop us seeing each other." She had lowered her voice a little, but not too much for me to not be able to hear; she knew what she was doing. She was past being shy and was in full throttle now. "We must have been out quite a few times actually, but we didn't think we needed to tell Alexa about it." She paused again, making sure she had everyone's attention. "It was our little secret."

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