Chapter 33: Truth and Evidence

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Chapter 33: Evidence

*Alexa Shiffer*


I groaned and threw my arm out from under my warm duvet, waving around blindly for my alarm clock. For a while, I had been meaning to set an alarm on my phone so that I could wake up to one of the songs from my music library, but I had never got round to it, so the deafening, high-pitched beeping of my childhood alarm clock would have to do for now. It fell to the floor with a thud as my hand made contact with it at the wrong angle. The noise stopped for a miraculous second before returning again at a slightly lower pitch. I groaned again and flopped sideways out of bed, pulling my duvet with me. The alarm finally stopped after banging it a few times on the floor in early morning anger. Don't worry, it wasn't damaged, it would be back again in 24 hours.

I sat back up onto my bed in a huff and automatically reached out for my phone on my side table. Despite the fact that my brain never worked at this early in the morning, my fingers always seemed to be able to unlock my phone and open Facebook as if they had a mind of their own. My brain swam a little as my eyes adjusted to the bright screen. My head wasn't as bad this morning as it had been yesterday morning; in fact, I had almost forgotten that I was off school yesterday.

Yesterday. That brought back some thoughts. Each one filtered slowly through my mind gate as my head cleared and became more alert. Soon enough, I had enough pieces put together to remember what was so special about yesterday. Of course: the party; the party that I had become so unusually obsessed with. It was obvious why: Jordan was there with Natalie and I wasn't there to keep an eye on them. These thoughts were like a broken record. I had been over them countless times before that I was getting bored of them, whilst somehow still being fascinated at the same time.

I was dreading school today. What if something happened last night and I would go into school to find that Jordan had a new girlfriend? No, surely not. He wouldn't move on that quickly. Even he wasn't that desperate. I knew he didn't like Natalie like that. Another sharp, but diminishing pang in my head reminded me that I didn't have to go into school today. I could get the gossip on any drama from Japera after school and avoid it all.

If I was going to go to school, I had to make sure I had enough time to get ready. I glanced down at my phone that had been sitting in my hand whilst I was pondering. I was already running late and if I got up any later, I would miss registration.

I was just about to close my phone when something caught my eye on my Facebook news feed. It was a post from Jack Montegro. That wasn't surprising really; if he had posted it last night after his party, it would still be current on my news feed. I held my phone closer to my face and focused my eyes. They were almost completely adjusted to the light. Underneath a short status about how great the party was, Jack had added an album of photos from last night. There were over 300. There must be at least one of Jordan and Natalie. Yes, I know, I know. I am totally the stalker ex-girlfriend, but I don't care. I couldn't stop myself, even though I knew that once I started looking, I wouldn't stop and there would be no way I would get to school on time.

I scrolled down quickly, my eyes peeled for any photos of Jordan and Natlaie. There, I saw one! I had gone past it. I scrolled back more slowly and searched the small screen for the photo.

I froze when I saw it and focused more intently. No, that must have been two look-a-likes. That wasn't Jordan and Natalie. Jordan wouldn't do that. He just wouldn't. With my heart beating faster and faster, I clicked onto the photo to enlarge it. No. It couldn't be. But sure enough, it was them, no denying it. They were sat on a sofa together, facing each other, lips pressed together.

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