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Mahnoor's POV:

I hated it! I hated him sitting here all day long and keeping his gaze on me. I hated him being before my eyes every time I open them. I hated the fact that doctors let him stay with a girl alone when he was not even related to me and I really hated how the hospital staff is treating me like I am some sort of celebrity.

"Mam, should I assist in feeding you?" The nurse asked politely as she brought in breakfast for me along with a fresh bunch of flowers.

"No thanks. I can eat myself." She nodded and left.

"I am not a princess of some kingdom." I mumbled looking at the breakfast she brought for me.

"Not a princess but you are a Queen to them, their King's future wife."

"I am no one's future wife." I said keeping my gaze on the food. On raising my head I found him glaring at me. I thought he was about to say something but instead, he sighed and dropped his head back onto the sofa.


Of course, he would be. Kanwal told me that he barely spent two hours at home before coming back here.

Since that day, he didn't approach me nor tried to talk much. He usually spends his time on calls, working on a laptop or... staring at me. I don't know why he looks at me as though I am some kind of TV program. He just stares. His intense gaze bothers me to the point where I wanted to hide somewhere.

I stole a glance at him. His head was still on the sofa's back. He's wearing a white t-shirt with faded blue jeans, he looked quite decent. Despite his dominating aura, he wasn't a menacing looking person.

If only his heart was as nice as his appearance, I may respect him a little...

I sighed unintentionally, loud enough for him to hear. His eyes shot open and he looked at me. Abruptly, I avert my eyes, not wanting to meet his gaze.


Moosa's POV:

I watch her as nurses helped in settling her in a wheelchair. I didn't like seeing her covered up in bandages but I am thankful to Allah that she doesn't have any severe injuries. Sitting in the wheelchair, she looked extremely weak and vulnerable, and once again anger started to boil up in me remembering that she tried to kill herself. I don't believe that someone could fall from their window without being pushed or trying to jump.

Clenching my fists, I walked out of her room knowing that nurses will bring her to the car reliably. They have to. I own this hospital and made it especially for my people. They are not fools to took lightly of its owner's girl.

Leaning against the car, I waited for Noor. The same two nurses brought her to the car and I opened the door for her. She hissed in pain when she tried to put pressure on her feet to stand up.

Okay, enough of this!

I quickly scooped her in my arm, not caring about her loud gasp and her tight grip on my shirt. I placed her on the passenger seat and closed the door.


Getting off the car, I called for a servant to take care of Noor's medicine and stuff. Then I walk towards Noor's side. Another servant brought a wheelchair for her.

"Get rid of this thing right now." I barked at him, pushing the wheelchair away.

She is not going to sit on this!

I opened the door and reached her again but she moved back a little, causing her to hiss in pain again.

"Damn it, Noor! Stop being such a child." I shouted. Frequent stays in the hospital and the thought of her taking her life was driving me crazy for the last few days.

Holding her arm, I pull her towards me, "Listen carefully, I am still mad at you for doing this to yourself." I pointed toward her bandages. "Now be a good girl and stop acting like a spoiled brat. I am already standing on edge of losing my calm. One little push from you and I promise you I will make you regret the day you show me your stubbornness." I said gritting my teeth.

She shuddered in her place, giving me the advantage of pulling her into my arms and that's what I did.

"Put me down." She said in trembling voice.

"Shut up Noor!" I said sternly, walking across the living area to the room.


Mahnoor's POV

I bit my lip tight to hold back my tears as he lay me down on the bed carefully and cover me with the bedspread. The painkillers I have been taking had started to show its effects. I was already dizzy and as my body felt the comfortable surface beneath me, I find myself drifting into sleep.

I woke up when someone called my name and felt a touch on my face, I opened my eyes and found him standing beside the bed holding a tray.

"Hey wake up! It's dinner time."

I slowly got up and thanks to Allah he didn't try to help me, I loathe his touch.

"Eat up." His voice was soft unlike this morning when he was barking around. He put down the tray near me on the bed and took a seat on the edge of the other side of the bed. I relaxed at the distance and focus on food. I might've been very hungry because I finished everything. Carefully, I put the tray on the side and he turned to the TV.

Wait! I never had a TV in my room...?

I surveyed around and found myself in an unfamiliar room. This wasn't the room where I was staying.

"Where am I....? This isn't where I was before." I asked him hesitantly.

"It's my room."


"W-why did you bring me here?" My voice started to tremble.

"Because I wanted to." He said nonchalantly switching the channels.

"I cannot stay here... Send me back to my room."

"What do you mean by 'cannot'?" He asked turning his head towards me.

"You know I am i-"

"In Iddat. Stop with this nonsense, Noor."

"This is not nons-"

"Yes it is... besides, there is no point in completing it as I had already put an end to it by kissing you."

"K-kissing?" My breath hitched. He smiled, walking over to my side.

"You're lying."

"I am not." He sat next to me. I tried to move but he held my arm.

"Stay. I won't bite." He said politely but I didn't listen to him, as my mind was stuck in what he said earlier.

"Let go of me... You're lying. I don't believe you."

"I know you won't believe me because you were unconscious that day.... but if you still don't believe me, then..." Suddenly he leaned forward and kissed my cheek, holding my chin lightly.

"Now it's officially off... Don't worry anymore, my love... Sweet dreams." He stood straight with a triumphant smirk and left the room.

Leaving me sitting numbly on the bed.


Salam and hello everyone!
Eid MUBARAK .....

On your request updated this chapter early. Is it short? I know. M sorry .... will try to update a long chapter next.

And thank you sooooo much for your votes and comments, it really encourages me.

Now back to the story!
Anything u want to say about Moosa? ;)

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Take Care :)

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