Chapter 9

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Brooklyn's POV

I dragged Cheree down the stairs with me with Georgi following closely behind. We made our way into the kitchen when I felt Cheree's hand stiffen in mine. I turned around and saw her staring ahead at the kitchen doorway. There stood that bitch Cassidy holding some emo chick's hand. Seriously, Cheree. You can do so much better.

"Hey, you want a drink?" I stepped closer to Cheree, letting go of her hand. She took her eyes off of Cassidy and focused them on me. She gave me a cute slight smile. 

"No thanks Brooklyn, I've got my Mountain Dew. I don't drink." She walked beside me and started pouring herself some Mountain Dew. I took this opportunity and poured myself a shot of fireball.

Taking the shot, I turned to Cheree who was smirking at me. "Why aren't you out there conversing? I know your little reputation. Brooklyn Jameson, the life of the party." She chuckled slightly. I laughed with her. I liked her playful side. 

"Trying to get rid of me already, shrimp?" I asked with a playful grin.

She smiled again. I could have sworn I saw a little blush creep up on her cheeks.

"Yo, B! Over here!" Angel called my name. I looked over at Cheree and she motioned for me to go. I smirked at her, turned around and proceeded to my friends.

Cheree's POV

Brooklyn had been by my side for a while now, which honestly had completely confused me. The picking on and teasing from before had now turned into playful banter between the two of us. After I saw Cassidy holding that girl's hand, it kind of brought my mood down. Brooklyn sensed this and somehow made me feel better.

After I made Brooklyn go off with her friends, I noticed none other than London herself, making her way down the staircase. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion wondering what the hell she was doing up there when the entryway to the stairs had been blocked off.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, startling me. "Cute house, Cheree." I turned around and noticed Cassidy standing particularly close to me, her breath reeking of alcohol. 

"Um, t-thanks" I said looking down. She started playing with my hair, I heard her let out a chuckle. 

"You know, babe, you're absolutely beautiful," Cassidy slurred out. She was definitely drunk. 

"Um, shouldn't you be with your date, Cassidy?" I managed to get out, enjoying her hand running through my hair.

"She's not my date, Cheree. She wants to ride on the Cassidy train, but there's only one seat and it's reserved," she slurred out again, caressing my cheek with her cold hand. She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "You know who that person is?" she whispered seductively in my ear. My face was red as a tomato, I was sure. 

"Cassidy, you're drunk," I said, gently nudging her away from me.

Cassidy gave me a look of hurt. But as quickly as it was there, it was gone, replaced with... anger? She grabbed my arm and started tugging me up the stairs with her. 

"Which one is yours?" she gritted and slurred out at the same time. 

"Cassidy, let go of me." She ignored me and just so happened to stop in front of my room. She pulled me inside and shut the door behind her. I stood there awkwardly in the middle of my room, slightly frightened by seeing this side of Cassidy. She slowly turned around and made her way towards me. I slowly moved backward until I was pressed up against the wall. She was standing so close to me, our noses were practically touching. She grabbed my wrists and put them on either side of my head. She had a lustful look in her eyes, and if I told you I wasn't scared, I'd be lying.

She quickly bent her head down to my neck and started kissing me. She found a super sensitive spot, making me whimper. I could feel her smirking on my neck. 

"Cassidy, please stop," I attempted to say louder, but came out as a whisper. She moved her hands from my wrists and started to gently caress my breasts. 

"Cassidy, stop!" I managed to yell this time. She stopped sucking on my neck and looked up at me with desire all over her face. She stared deeply into my eyes, and then her lustful gaze turned into a look of regret. She frowned at me and backed away a little. She mumbled an apology, and just like that, she was out of the room, leaving me confused and feeling used.

Brooklyn's POV

Angel, Lindy and I were in the living room dancing with each other, having a good time. My mind started wandering off to Cheree and how much I wanted her there with me. 

"Hey, have you guys seen Cheree?" I yelled out to the both of them. 

"I thought I saw Cassidy and her go upstairs about ten minutes ago," Angel shouted back.

This made me stop dancing. Last I saw, Cassidy was drunk and with some other chick. I stomped up the stairs just in time to see Cassidy running out of a room with a look of regret on her face. I quickly grabbed her arm, yanking her close to me.

"What the fuck did you do?" I seethed out between gritted teeth. She glared at me and yanked her arm out of my grasp. 

"Don't fucking touch me, blondie." She started walking away from me when I heard London's evil voice through the speakers.

"Well everyone, I found this journal called Hailey. I think we should read what's in here!" I froze and gave her a death glare. 

I felt a small hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw a very scared looking Cheree.

"'Dearest Hailey, today is the first day I'm writing in this. According to my therapist this is something I need to do.' Huh, so the owner of this is definitely crazy..."

London kept going on revealing secrets written in the journal. I saw Layne running inside from the back door, frantically trying to get to London. I noticed the journal was the same one that I took from Cheree in the library. I looked over at her and noticed tears pouring down her cheeks. I don't know what happened, but the next thing I knew, I snapped. 

All I saw was red. All of a sudden I was up in London's face with a pissed-off-looking Layne beside me. I balled up my fist and in the next moment, London was lying on the ground holding a bloody nose. I stared down at her ready to pounce again before I felt Layne grip my wrist. 

"That's enough Brooklyn, she's not worth it," she whispered gently into my ear. 

"Maybe not, but Cheree definitely is." Layne's gaze softened even more and she gave me a small smile.

"You know, Brooky, you should read some of these. My favorite part is the one where she talks about you as her nightmare, but also she can't help but want you around. I think the nerd has a crush on Miss Queen B. How fucking cliche." Everybody laughed and London smirked, pleased with herself. Before I could lunge at her again, I heard Danny's voice. 

"The cops are coming!" he shouted into the microphone.

Everyone ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, including London's bitch ass. After everyone was gone, I was left standing with Layne, Lindy, Angel, Georgi, and a very pissed Danny. 

"The cops are not coming, but seeing her cry because of that bimbo broke every string in my heart," Danny said sadly. "I'm going to call my crew and start cleaning up." 

"I'll help," Layne said, with Lindy and Angel nodding their heads in agreement.

I gave Layne a look. "Go ahead. I think she's in her room." I nodded my head at them and made my way up to Cheree's room. I knocked on her door.

No reply. Slowly, I opened the door and was greeted by a sight that completely broke me.

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