Chapter 11

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Brooklyn's POV

I woke up to the wonderful feeling of having legs entangled with mine and an arm wrapped around my torso. I half-opened one eye to see brown curls tucked under my chin. Memories from last night came flooding back and all I could do was smile happily.

Badly needing to use the bathroom, I very slowly lifted Cheree's arm from my torso and quietly got out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty. Before I walked into the bathroom, I took one final glance at the beautiful girl sleeping peacefully, noticing how content she looked. You wouldn't think something so beautiful could be so broken, so hurt.

After making my way out of the bathroom, I noticed Cheree was not in her bed, and instead was in the corner of her room, with only a bra and panties on. I bit my bottom lip and cleared my throat. Startling her, she looked at me with the reddest face I've ever seen.

"Um, sorry... I thought you were gone." I smirked at her and slowly made my way towards her. I stopped just before our noses could touch. I looked down at her slender body, and back up to her eyes. Her cheeks were even redder than before. 

"Don't be sorry, I like the view," I whispered, staring into her eyes. I nuzzled my face into her neck and kissed her softly on her smooth skin. She quietly whimpered. I looked back into her eyes, and for the first time, I saw lust. 

"If you were any other girl, I'd take you right here on this dresser—" I paused, noticing a frown form on her face—"but you're special to me, I wouldn't do that to you." I kissed her cheek and turned around, glancing back at her again and winking. She gave me a small smile. "I'll be downstairs. I gotta make sure those idiots kept their word and cleaned up." I walked out the door with the biggest grin on my face.

Fuck my ego. Fuck the popularity. Fuck being the school bitch. That girl was going to be mine.

Cheree's POV

After Brooklyn left my room, I couldn't help but feel very... aroused. I've never felt such a feeling. I started to feel extremely hot. I finished changing, throwing on some comfy flannels and a black tank top. I ran into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs.

When I reached the living room, my jaw dropped. Not because of how spotless the house was, or the fresh scent of cleanliness, but the blonde older woman sitting at the dining room table making conversation with Brooklyn and Layne.

Aunt Jessi.

I let out a loud squeal, frightening the three women at the table. I ran towards Aunt Jessi as she stood up and tackled her into the biggest hug. 

"You're home," I mumbled with my face buried in her neck. Tears began to form.

"I somehow convinced my boss to let me come home early," she said, hugging me tighter. "I didn't expect you to have guests though," she remarked, gently pulling away from me. She frowned, looking at my neck. "What's this?" she asked, pointing to the area just below my ear. 

"Um, I don't know," I said quickly, remembering the hickey Cassidy left there. How did Brooklyn not notice? I glanced at her, who was now starting to look pissed.

Brooklyn slowly got up and made her way towards me. She looked at my neck and frowned slightly. "Looks like a hickey Cheree," she stated calmly. 

My eyes widened and I looked back at Aunt Jessi who had an amused look on her face. "It shouldn't have happened," I said quietly, on the verge of tears, remembering how frightened Cassidy made me.

"I'm going to kill her," Brooklyn seethed and started to make her way towards the door. I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me. 

"Brooke, please don't. That wasn't her, she was drunk." 

Brooklyn let out an angry laugh. "That doesn't give her the right, did she rape you?" she demanded, raising her voice. 

"No, I stopped her before she could," I replied quietly.

"First of all, who the hell tried to force themselves on you? Secondly, why was someone drunk, in my house of all places?" Aunt Jessi did not look happy.

Layne stood up. "Jessi, this was my fault. I was trying to get Cheree to loosen up a little. It was my suggestion. I wouldn't take no for an answer, so be mad at me, not her." 

If looks could kill, Aunt Jessi would definitely be in prison by now. "I think it's time for you both to go. I'd like some time with my niece." At that, Layne and Brooklyn made their way towards the door. I ran after them quickly and hugged Brooklyn from behind. She tensed for a moment, then turned around. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged back. 

"Text me, I'd like to take you somewhere," she said, pulling away from me. She planted a kiss on my cheek and swiftly left.

I made my way back into the dining room. There stood a very pissed Aunt Jessi.

Brooklyn's POV

On the way to my car, Layne stepped in front of me and grabbed my wrist.

"What are your intentions with my best friend?" she asked, releasing my hand and crossing her arms. 

I smirked and leaned against the car. "I have nothing but good intentions towards your BFF." 

She stared at me for a few seconds before her face softened. "Just don't hurt her, Jameson. She's been through enough," Layne said while walking away from me. 

I watched her as she left. "I would never dream of it," I whispered to myself. I got into my car and started the engine. I took one last glance back at the house that I hoped more memories would be made in. I put the car in drive and drove off.

Cassidy's POV

I woke up to a loud beating on my bedroom door. 

"Cassidy, wake up. You have a visitor." Who the fuck? I groaned and took a glance at the clock, 1 pm. Jesus. I got up and opened my bedroom door to a very red-faced Blondie.

She shoved me inside my room and slammed my door shut. "How the fuck did you—" I was interrupted by a slap to my cheek. My blood boiled. 

"How could you do that to her?" she whisper-shouted at me. 

I smirked at her and leaned against the dresser. "Jealous, blondie?" I asked mockingly. I was pretty sure the girl was about to kill me. I chuckled.

"Hmm, not really, considering I was the one who woke up to having her in my arms." She smiled smugly at me and my smirk was replaced with a frown. "Touch her again, bitch, I will end you." With that, she walked out of my room and left me fuming with rage and jealousy.

I yelled out in frustration and punched my wall. Two could play this game.

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