Chapter 12

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Cheree's POV

There I sat at the dining table, with Aunt Jessi staring me down. It had been a good, hmmm, three minutes after explaining last nights events.

"You know, I don't know what's worse, the fact that you had a party at our home or the fact that the Cassidy tried to force herself onto you," she said, ruffling her hand through her blonde curls. "This is not like you whatsoever, Cheree." Another minute went by and neither of us said anything.

"I'm really sorry Jessi... it won't happen ever again," I said looking down, my fingers suddenly becoming very intriguing. I heard her chair move back and her footsteps nearing me. She stopped and kneeled down so she was eye level with me. 

"Hey.." She grabbed my chin gently and turned my head so I was facing her. "I'm not mad, just a little disappointed. But, if that Cassidy girl comes here again, I will neuter her, female style," she said making me smile. "There's that beautiful smile." She tapped my nose with her finger and walked into the kitchen.

"How the heck did you guys get this place so clean anyway?" she called from the kitchen.

"Honestly, I have no idea. Danny said he'd take care of it, which he did obviously." I chuckled and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and found Brooklyn's name. I hesitated, then texted her.

"Hey, you wanted me to text you"

I waited not even a minute before I got a reply.

"Picking you up at 6, no questions asked. Be ready, shorty."

I laughed. She was bold for basically forcing me to come out with her. Was this a date? Or... was it just as friends. I mean, she was affectionate with me last night... she even kissed my neck and, oh my lanta, did that feel good. It was soft and sweet.

I started getting butterflies just thinking about her. I think I have a crush on Brooklyn Jameson. Oh boy...

Cassidy's POV

"Mmm, Cass, come on let's cuddle," Naomi whispered seductively in my ear. 

"I don't do cuddling, Naomi," I said, pushing her naked body off of me and getting out of her bed.

She scowled at me and sat up, letting the sheets fall, her breasts in full view. "So, we just had the most amazing sex ever, and you're just gonna up and leave me?" 

I could see tears forming in her eyes. Fuck me. I rolled my eyes while buttoning up my shirt. I walked up to the side of the bed and stood next to her. I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on her red swollen lips. "I really have to get home," I lied, making her smile lightly. I grinned back and walked out the door.

I made my way to my car and looked at my phone, contemplating if I should text Cheree or not. I felt almost broken because of what I did to her. I decided to apologize.

"I know there's not much I can say to make up for what I did. I can't even explain why I did what I did because being drunk is not a valid excuse. But I will tell you this, I will spend a lifetime making it up to you until I can earn your trust back and make you smile. You mean something to me, Cheree. I'm so sorry, beautiful."

I put my phone down, expecting to not receive a reply. I drove off and started thinking of a plan to win the girl back and get Blondie out of the picture.

Brooklyn's POV

I had never been so nervous in my life. I mean, this wasn't exactly a date, no matter how much I wanted it to be. I wanted to get to know her better; what makes her tick, what makes her happy, what she loves to do besides write. I wanted to know everything about this girl. Most importantly, I wanted to know what made her so broken, but I wouldn't pry. I wanted her to trust me.

The time was now 5 o'clock. I had to pick her up in an hour, and here my dumbass was trying to figure out what the hell to wear.

Ughhhh. Come on Brooke, it's Cheree, she won't care what you look like.

After contemplating for another ten minutes, I decided to go with white skinny jeans, a black tank top and my buttoned-up black and white checkered flannel. I touched up my make up, threw on my black chucks and ran out the door.

Cheree's POV

Holy balls, it was almost 6 and I wasn't even ready. God, Brooklyn will give me so much shit. I decided on dark blue skinny capris, a short-sleeved black shirt and a white beanie. 

The sound of the doorbell made the butterflies come back, only ten times worse. I quickly put on my Pumas and ran down the stairs.

When I opened the door, my heart about burst out of my chest. She looked so fucking sexy. This was not the Brooklyn Jameson from school. There was a more tomboy style to her, and oh my god was it hot...

"You wanna take a picture? It'll last longer," she asked with that stupid smirk I was learning to adore. I chuckled at her and playfully punched her arm. She gave me a playful smile. 

"Let's head out my dear." Oh god... I'm melting...

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