Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Damien?" I stammered. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing." He was eying me from head to toe. I immediately felt self-conscious of the way I was dressed and blushed. I looked at Damien's expression and was surprised to see he looked a little bit flustered.

"Yo, Damien. Who's at the door?' A young-looking man with dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes leaned against the doorway. His face lit up in recognition. "Gustavo! My man, where you been?"

"Sammy! Mi hermano!" The two men greeted each other like long lost friends reunited. Damien's staring made me uncomfortable and I tried not to let it show. I tucked a loose curl behind my ear and smiled at him.

"And who is this lovely young lady?" The blonde's blue eyes were now on me and he gave me a friendly smile.

"This here is Amber. Amber, I'd like you to meet Blackjacks lead singer, Sammy Colt," Gustavo said.

"Nice to meet you, Amber," Sammy said. I smiled and nodded my head.

Gustavo elbowed him hard in the stomach. "Hey, eyes up here, my friend. And no funny business, you hear? Just because we're tight, doesn't mean you get to drool over my baby sister."

"I'm not your baby sister," I said. But it was as if I hadn't even spoken.

"Take a chill pill, bro. I'll behave. Come on in, the gang's all here," Sammy said. He invited us in to a large room with four other guys. Two brown-haired boys sat on the leather couch facing the television that stood to the right of the room. A brunette sat up against the wall strumming a black guitar while another blonde rummaged through the stainless steel refrigerator in the small kitchen.

"Hey guys! Look who came for a visit."

All heads sprang up. "Hey Gustavo!" They all rushed forward and greeted Gustavo warmly.

Gustavo returned the gesture. "Hey guys. How you been? I'd like you to meet Amber. Amber, meet Will, Chris, Alex, and Jesse."

I smiled at them. "Nice to meet you."

They were all extremely handsome and definitely fit the boy band image. Jesse had dirty blonde hair that fell in smooth waves just short of his collarbone and bright blue eyes that shone like sea glass. Will had short brown hair and chocolate brown eyes while Chris held a mop of brown curls on top of his head and hazel eyes. Alex reminded me of a brunette version of Damien with the same thick hair and green eyes a shade lighter than Damien's. Speaking of Damien, if it wasn't for the fact that I could feel his green eyes burning in the back of my head I probably would have forgot he was even here.

Jesse ran a hand through his wavy hair and sidled up close to me. 'Well, hello there, Amber. The name's Jesse. Blackjacks devilishly handsome drummer."

Alex groaned. "Here we go again. Give the girl a little warning before you victimize her, Jesse." I stifled a laugh and tried to cover it up by coughing into my hand.

"Alright, alright. Break it up," Gustavo intervened, stepping between me and the boys. "I already warned Sammy here. Don't make me wave my finger at you boys, too." He turned his body so he was facing me. "Now, you listen here, Amber. These boys are nothing but a bunch of players. Don't let me catch you alone with them, you hear?"

"Hey! Stop filling the girl's head with lies!" Jesse protested.

Sammy laughed. "Alright, alright."

I took a quick peek at Damien out of the corner of my eye. Our eyes met and I quickly looked away.

"Hey, are you blushing?" Will asked.

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