Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Yeah! Go, go, go Amber! You go girl! Shake what your mama gave you!" Taylor and I were out on the dance floor, moving to Usher's "Scream." Or at least trying to. Taylor had me laughing so hard, my side hurt, and it was making it hard for me to actually dance without hurting myself. Taylor wasn't kidding when she said "break some hearts." All eyes were on us and I felt embarrased from all the attention. But every time I tried to break away to rest on a metal chair, Taylor would only pull me closer to the center, underneath the disco ball, and throw her arms up in the air.

"Come on Amber, you can do better than that!" I turned to my right and bumped hips with Gustavo, who decided to join our little party. "No, I'm serious. What happened to all those moves you learned in dance class?"

"Dance class?" Taylor asked.

Gustavo nodded along to the sound of the beat. "Are you kidding? She was the best dancer in the class! Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Hip-Hop, you name it, Amber can dance it."

"That was a long time ago, Gustavo. It's been ages since I've gone to dance class," I said.

"Doesn't mean you're still not the best dancer I've ever met!" Gustavo exclaimed.

"Come on, show us some moves! Please?" Taylor pleaded with me Just then, a nice techno song blasted through the speakers and I closed my eyes. Before I knew it, a series of hip-hop moves pulsed through my body. My feet moved in familiar steps and my hands fluttered out before me. I was popping and locking and I didn't realize it until I heard Taylor whoop. I opened my eyes and motioned for her to follow along. I pretended to dust my shoulders and wipe the front of my dress, stepping for ward and back, forward and back again. I made circular motions with my hands, nodding my head and grinning at Taylor, bumping my shoulder against hers. She put her hands on my hips and pretended to slow dance to me, completely ignoring the music, and made funny faces at me.

We stopped goofing off and continued to dance. Gustavo yelled something to us but the music was too loud to hear. Then he pointed to the stage and turned to look. The boys were starting to set up their instruments. I spotted Damien on the right tuning his guitar, a big grin on his face. He caught me looking, and his grin widened. He stopped tuning his guitar and clapped a little. Taylor nudged my shoulder and raised an eyebrow at me. I looked at her confused. "What?" I mouthed at her.

She gave me a knowing look and nodded at the stage. "No." I shook my head. She wiggled her eyebrows at me and puckered her lips. "Taylor!" She laughed and looped an arm around my shoulder. Just then the music stopped and Sammy stepped up to the microphone. "What's up New York!"

The entire room erupted into cheers and whistles, making my ears pop. Sammy grinned and raised his hand. "Alright, kids. Settle down. From all the excitement in the room, I'm guessing you've all paid your trip to the bar . . . " This was met by an uproar of cheers. " . . . It's addicting, I know. Everyone laughed. "For those of you who may not know who I am, which is hard to believe, really, the name's Sammy. Anyway, allow me to introduce the band."

Sammy introduced the whole group, starting with Chris. When he got to Jesse, all the girls went wild screaming his name. Surprisingly, he took it all in like a pro, but I did see him smirk at Damien and pat himself on the back. "And last but not least, Blackjack's very own lead guitarist, Damien!" The crowd up roared. Jesse's fan girls screamed louder than they did for Jesse, earning a frown from Jesse that quickly turned into a shrug. Damien, however, paid no attention to the girls. All his attention seemed to be focused on the crowd. "What's he looking at?" I shouted to Taylor.

She looked at me and laughed. "You, silly! He's looking at you!"

I looked at her confused. "Huh? Why is he looking at me?"

When Love Walked InOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora