Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

It was Gustavo's. He moved a little away from us to take the call, putting a hand against his ear. "Hey can we please get something to eat? I'm starving," Jesse asked from up on stage.

"There's a burger place not too far from here," Will added.

"A burger place," Taylor said with a sideways glance at Victoria and Jules.

"Unless my agent is a magician and can teleport all the way from France, I am going to eat a burger," Victoria deadpanned. "With fries and a shake."

"She's very serious," Jules said.

"I can see that," Damien laughed. I joined in, thinking nothing could ruin this perfect moment. Then I caught Gustavo's eye and ceased laughing. He hung up, a weary look on his face. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but waited to see what he had to say first. 

"So its settled then?" Taylor asked.

Gustavo approached us, seeming almost regretful. "What's wrong?" Damien asked in a cautious tone.

"That was your mom, Amber," he sighed. "She wants us to meet her at a restaurant."

"For what?" I asked uncertainly.

"A . . . dinner party." He hesitated to answer, shooting me a knowing look before glancing at Damien. That could only mean Ky was going to be there but he didn't want to mention it in front of Damien.


He nodded his head reluctantly. I sighed, all of the energy drained from my body. "You have to leave?" Taylor said sadly.

"Us too?" Jules said.

Gustavo nodded again.

I turned to Damien unwillingly, not wanting to say goodbye. "Hey." He cupped my cheek. "Call me when you get home?"

I smiled a little and nodded. "I promise."

He smiled back, kissing me softly on the mouth. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"We have to go where first?" I heard Jules say.

"We have to get the girls dresses and you and I have to go get a suit and tie--"

"Wait but why?" Victoria said confused.

Gustavo opened his mouth as if wanting to say something and looked at me. "I'll explain on the way there."

"Sounds like a fancy party," Taylor joked.

"Not as great as you might think, trust me," I sighed.

I gave Damien a final glance as Gustavo rushed us out of the club to an already waiting car outside.

"Explain." Victoria said in a serious tone, all fun and games put to the side. "Don't try to sugarcoat it or whatever. The truth and nothing but."

I fiddled with my seat belt anxiously while Gustavo raked a hand through his hair. "We're going to a hotel for a party."

"Yeah, a dinner party. You already said that."

"No . . . An engagement party." He looked at me.

"Who's . . ." Jules trailed off, a quizzical look on his face.

"But I flat out refused." I started to panic. "I already said no!"

"Apparently this party was planned from ages ago and they were going to cancel it but Ky insisted." Gustavo's mouth twisted in disgust at his name.

My anger was boiling over like a volcano ready to burst. "He is unbelievable."

"Uh, hello, would anyone like to fill us in?" Victoria said, waving her hands to get our attention. But Jules beat her to it. "You're engaged?" His eyes were unwavering but his words were filled with disbelief. "To Ky?"

Gustavo quickly explained the whole situation and their expressions quickly went from confused to shock to fury. "What the hell are your parents thinking?" Victoria exclaimed.

"I don't know." I was on the verge of tears at the mess my parents had bestowed upon me. I just had the most perfect date with the most perfect boyfriend and now this. "I don't know what to do."

"Obviously its not going to happen. Not if I have anything to say about it," Jules said menacingly.

"Does Damien know?" Victoria asked quietly.

"No!" I quickly said. "He can't know about this. 

"Amber, you're his girlfriend. Don't you think he has a right to know?"

"This stupid agreement, this contract my parents made, could ruin everything for me. If Damien finds out there's no telling what he would do. I can't risk ruining our relationship over something so ridiculous. I already made it clear to them that I was not a toy to be sold in the store. I will do it as many times even if I have to drill it into his thick skull." I balled my shaking hands into tight fists and tried to contain my anger.

The conversation ceased and we made stops to get clothes and other things we needed. Gustavo had the driver take us to a high end salon to have our hair and makeup done as fast as possible before driving us to our final destination.

It was a large scale hotel on the busy streets of the city. We pulled up right in front and were immediately greeted by the doorman, who rushed to open the car door. He ushered us inside where warmth immediately filled my core. The lobby was big with christmas decorations covering every inch of space available. An enormous gold chandelier came down from the ceiling in the center, shining on every surface. There was a rest area off to the side, complete with sofas and coffee tables where guests lingered lazily.

Gustavo immediately walked up to the front desk and in minutes we were sent off to the elevator. Once inside, I looked at myself in the elevator's mirror. I wore a short sleeved silver dress that hugged my waist and fell to my ankles with black heels. My hair was twisted up in a fancy bun, held together by a gem stone hair clip in the shape of a flower, with little wisps of hair falling out. I absentmindedly twisted the single ring on my finger, reminding myself of Damien and how much I loved him.

"Don't worry, Amber." Victoria smiled at me through the mirror. Her blonde hair was weaved together with decorative flowers in a beautiful french braid down the length of her back. She wore a black dress that hugged her slim figure and white heels. "It'll be okay."

The elevator pinged.

I wonder if I could have avoided what was to come.

Or if it was meant to be.

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