Chapter Four: Whose The Alpha?

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"You're a proper idiot! Now what are we going to eat?" Libra states as she smacks Leo on the back of his head as she moves quickly to open the windows in the small kitchen that is filling up with smoke. I am leaning against the island watching as the two of them squabble with each other over the burnt mess that was supposed to be dinner. Bunny walks into the room and jumps up onto the island settling herself next to me, "Ignore them—they are always at each other's throats like that." I turn my attention to her and she gives me a friendly smile before she reaches over and grabs an apple out of the fruit basket.

"Have all you known each other for a long time?" I ask curious. Bunny shrugs her shoulder a bit as she take a bite of her apple, "I've only known them for a couple of months honestly. I was the new girl around here—well until you showed up."

"Did you come here with your mate?"

She chokes a bit on the apple in her mouth and her cheeks turn a bright shade of red, "Uh—no. I didn't know Marshall before I came here..." She whispered in a barely audible voice. I tried not to smile at her shyness over her relationship with Marshall. It was easy to see why these people had accepted her into their pack. She was sweet and innocent, the perfect submissive wolf. She cleared her throat, "Do you have a mate Grace?" I felt my own cheeks heat at her question and I quickly looked away from her curious gaze.

Luckily for me I was able to avoid that question because Marshall came strolling into the room, "How many times have I told you not to let Leo anywhere near the kitchen Lib? He has the cooking skills of a blind ape with no thumbs." Leo spins quickly to face Marshall with a heated glare and Libra cracks a smile of amusement, trying to hold back laughter at the expense of her brother. Marshall comes up Bunny placing his hand on the counter, caging her in and sneaking a bite out of her apple. Bunny frowns at him, "Hey—this is mine! Get your own!" She whines. He shoots her a cheeky smile, "And you are mine—so what's yours is actually ours. So this apple is ours, baby..." He says with his mouth full of food. She doesn't look amused by his reasoning and playfully pushes him but he doesn't budge.

"So Grace where did you come from before you wound up here?" Marshall asks as he turns his attention to me. I figured this question was going to come up eventually, "I was staying with some friends—Alpha Noah—Perhaps you've heard of him." I say with a shrug of my shoulders not really sure if Noah was that well known. Marshall's eyes widen in surprise and someone chokes behind me before the room falls into an awkward silence.

"You are telling us you are friends with that reformed rogue alpha?" Marshall stumbles over his words. I narrow my eyes a bit before rolling them with pretend disinterest, "Rogue alpha? Is that what people call him?" I push myself forward away from the island the ache in my leg making itself known, "I can assure you that he is not nearly as roguish as you probably believe him to be. If theres anyone people should be afraid of it's probably his mate—now she is scary when you piss her off."

"Who are you?" Marshall questions still looking like he's shocked by what I've told them. I smile at him with amusement, "I'm Grace—just a normal girl who sometime changes into a wolf." I tease trying to keep the questioning from going to a serious place because the less they know about me at the moment the better for them.

"You know when I found you—I thought I smelled an alpha—I thought maybe you were Silver in danger." Bunny comments with a small shrug of her shoulders. I feel my smile drop a little at her words and force out a small chuckle.

"A female alpha? That a ridiculous notion even for you Bunny." Leo comments with a small laugh. Marshall lets out a low warning growl in his direction and Bunny pouts her lips, "I know what I smelled Leo but obviously my nose was off a bit or something. Now that I can actually smell her—she smells much sweeter than Silver." I relax a bit and thank the goddess that during those two years locked up I had learned to mask my alpha scent though clearly not quite well enough.

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