Chapter Fifteen: Irreconcilable Differences

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After the tour brief Scarlett left the others in the kitchen to with Dane. Silver and I were led through a maze of hallways to Noah's office, where he was waiting for an explanation to our sudden appearance. Silver and Noah were staring each other down from across opposite sides of the room. The tension was thick enough for me to cut it with knife but I tried to ignore it as I continued to explain what had happened, "My uncle must have enlisted the help of the hunters once he found out that I was still alive. He isn't going to stop until one of us is dead—and now I've compromised Silvers pack. Which is why I brought them here. I was hoping you would give them refuge until they could figure something else out..." I did feel guilty over the fact that my being with them had put them in danger. If they had done what they had done to Silver to any one else they might have died.

Scarlett was sitting on the edge of Noah's desk listening to me intently, "Hmm...what do you say Noah? We can't let them wander around with hunters chasing them." she looks over her shoulder toward Noah who quickly switches the object of his attention from Silver to his mate. They share the secret glance for a moment before Noah looks back to Silver, "You are not a normal alpha—You're one of those pure bloods. I can tell..." His words actually shock me, mostly because I hadn't even known they existed until a couple days ago and here Noah, a wolf who had once been a rogue knew.

Scarlett turns her eyes towards Silver in confusion, "Pure blood?" I feel relief that she looks as lost as I was.

"I'll explain it later." Noah quips, "Mostly I want to know what a pure blood is doing out of hiding and leading a pack like an average wolf. If you're going to be staying on my lands I want to make sure I'm not walking myself into something that I might regret later." I could hear the suspicion in his tone and it's not like I could blame him for it. He had to think about himself and his pack.

"Let's just say there were some irreconcilable differences—" Silver replies with shrug that I catch from the corner of my eye. Noah's eyes narrow at his vague and sarcastic response, "I find that difficult to believe. All you pure bloods like to stick together after all—not wanting to muddy your precious bloodlines." He spits out the last part with venom. I want to cringe back instead I lift my hand and press it to the healing mark on my neck, covering it.

Silver emits a low growl, "Listen rogue—"

Scarlett slides off her perch with her own growl, "Don't talk to my mate like that—he's an alpha the same as you and you will talk to him as such." She gives Silver a hard look before relaxing back against the desk, her arms folded over her chest. I had to hold back my own wolf during the interaction because she had wanted to protect our mate. I had to remind her that he wasn't in danger and didn't need our protection.

I chance a glance in Silver's direction to see him clenching his jaw tightly, "I apologize Luna..." The words were stiff but he was trying to be respectful, "It's been a long couple of days and talking about my family is a sore subject for me." He lowered his head in a small apologetic bow. I turned my face toward my rescuer. Scarlett's gaze softened, "You're forgiven and your pack is welcome to stay here for the time being."

Noah let out a growl behind her clearly not satisfied with her decision. She spun around to face him, slamming her palms down on the desk, "You are getting on my last nerves today with all the damn growling. I trust Grace would not bring people into our house who were a threat to any of us, not after what we've done for her—you specifically." I felt my face flush at her statement. It was true that Noah had helped me a lot after my release from the rogues. He helped me learn to control my wolf, and the urges better. He'd also helped me through the night terrors and panic that had plagued me. I owed him a lot.

I could feel Silver's gaze on me but I refused to look at him. He was curious over Scarlett's slip but I didn't want to talk about the past—mostly I wanted to forget that it had ever happened, even if that was an impossible wish. Noah let out a heavy sigh, "Fine. They can stay here—" He looks towards me with a serious expression, "But I will be keeping extra eyes on your mate—You may trust him but I do not."

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