Chapter Ten: History Lessons

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Silver has been gone for three days now. After the lovely visit from his family—well he'd runaway like a child throwing a tantrum. He hadn't even given me or anyone else an explanation before he'd up and left. The house had been eerily quite since his disappearing act, apparently the visitors were having an adverse affect on the entire pack not just their reluctant leader. Personally, I wanted to forget that I had ever met or heard about this phantom royal family but considering I was bound by fate to one of them that seemed to be an impossible wish.

I rubbed my fingers to my aching temples I had enough things to worry about with my uncle's hired hunters out there somewhere waiting to get there hands on me to worry about Silver and his family issues.

"If you're not careful you'll burrow a hole right through your pretty little head." Valerie's voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn my head and peer over my shoulder to see her push off the wall she'd been leaning against. I watched her as she came closer to me, "Thought that's something you'd want..." I mumble.

"You're right—please continue. I just wanted front row seats to the show." She snaps back without any hesitance, which makes my lips pick up on the sides into a smirk. She takes a seat on across the table from me, her eyes roaming over me as if they were searching for something. I leaned forward pressing my elbows into the hard wood and holding my head in my hands, "Did you come in here to stare at me or did you actually have something you wanted to say?"

Valerie smirked and leaned back in her chair, "I thought you might like some company—"

"And you thought of all the people in this house you're the company that I would want?" I question with a raised brow but I found her blatant disregard and attitude much more amusing than I had a couple of days ago. 

She shrugs her shoulders and turns her attention away from me to the window nearby. I followed her gaze and peered out the window but found there was nothing by trees stretching toward the twilight sky that was painting in bright pink and orange clouds. I closed my eyes when I felt the storm of thoughts swelling in my mind, a small sigh escaping my lips.

"I'm sure this must be a lot for you to take in."

I popped my eyes open and looked to Valerie, "Honestly after everything I've been through a couple of psycho family members is nothing I haven't dealt with before." She gave me full blown smile at that but something about it made the flesh on my arm rise with gooseflesh. She crossed her arms over her chest looking way too relaxed, "You have no idea what they are like—trust me when I say this, you should pray to the goddess that none of them mention a word of your existence." 

"Enlighten me then. From where I am sitting some all powerful wolf leader is about as real as the boogie man that I used to believe lived under my bed." I waved my fingers around mockingly, though in the back of my mind a strange paranoia began to stir.

Valerie rolled her eyes, "He most definitely exists—"

"Then why keep his existence a secret from the rest of us? If he's supposed to be some king of wolves shouldn't he be--Oh I don't know--ruling over us all?" I try to poke a hole in her statement, find a reason to doubt that this could be more than some pack of werewolves with delusions of ganduor. 

"I really shouldn't be the one telling you all of this but Silver just had to run off as usual—this is so not in my job description..." She mumbles to herself in frustration before leveling me with slitted eyes. I stared at her, waiting for her to start spewing out the secrets of this phantom pack. We stared at each other for a couple of moments neither of us blinking until finally she let out a growl of frustration, "Damn it! Fine!" 

"There was a time when all the packs lived in harmony with each other. The king wolf worked with the council of alpha's to make sure that everything ran smoothly—and it did for a time. However as the centuries went on the bloodlines of the council and there packs began to disintegrate and the younger generations became driven for more power. That's when the rogues first came about—" Her mention of the rogues made me flinch and I pushed away the imagines that threaten to flood through my mind.

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