Chapter Fifteen

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Instead of taking the bus I decided to walk to chacha's place. While walking I asked myself so many questions. The more questions I asked myself a lump in my throat kept growing. I felt like something was stabbing my chest repeatedly. I thought about all the times I was with my grandfather and the times I was with Ami. If I had known the truth about the story behind everything it wouldn't have felt as painful as it was feeling like right now. With each step I took towards my uncle each breath felt like my last. It was a long walk but just as a I got there chacha seemed super nervous

"Calm down Aziza. I know you might be upset over hearing this over the phone but please don't cry on me I can't deal with tears." Chacha started off once I got inside the place he was staying
"I didn't come here to cry nor did I come here to breakdown. I came here to know why you and Baba have been keeping all this information from me. Why would you do that to me?"
"Not everything is the world is black and white."
"What do you mean black and white no one is talking about whether the world is black and white what I'm asking is why didn't you tell me this
"It wasn't my place to tell you about this."
"It wasn't you place? So does that mean that I shouldn't know about what happens in my family or am I not part of the family chacha."
"What do you mean by that you are my one and only niece if you aren't family who would be?"
"If I am then tell me with Allah as Your witness Is there something else I should know about? Is there anything else I don't know about."
"Allah as my witness? Tell me what you want to hear."
"I'm sick of being kept in the dark so tell me what else I don't know about. If not say wallahi you got nothing else to hide from me." I demanded staring him down
"Your mom. As in you real mom comes from a loaded family. At least that is what she told me and Kareem and I think that's why Jumana wants you to marry into her family so her family can have control over you and your non existing assets. From what you mother told me she was disowned, disinherited and kicked out the day her parents found out that she converted to Islam."
There was a moment of silence. For a moment I wasn't sure what to feel at this point but the idea. I wasn't sure if I was not allowed to feel amused but for some odd reason it was amusing.
"... That's sick." I responded at last failing in trying my best to keep a straight face.
"I know." He laughed "Your step mom is crazy Scheming. Never thought she'd go that low."
"Hey watch it she's still my mom." I warned him. Because even after everything I found out she still deserves my respect. I mean how many people you know would raise the kid of the woman who stole your ex fiancé/now husband as their own. Ami might have her flaws but she's admirable to me.
"Okay okay don't need to get sensitive." He held up his hands in surrender looking a bit taken back that I was taking her side. "So we're cool now aren't we?"
"You and me? Yeah chacha we are. I guess I don't know much about my parents there's a side to them I never knew about, but there is something indeed you to do for me first
"Anything for my one and only niece
" I need you to help me talk to Daada about something real important"
"Your moving in with me and we get out of this town"
"No I'm not running away I've got to face it head on chacha remember that guy I told you about last time."
"What guy?" He asked sounding a bit alarmed
"The one I was on a date with and you called." I said trying to jog his memory
"I thought you were kidding with that you actually went out with a guy?"
"You're being over dramatic I wasn't alone and nothing happened for all the times I did go out with him except he proposed to me and I accepted."
"Hold up, Hold up, who is this guy? And who else was with you"
" his name is Daniel..."
"Is he Muslim?"
"Yeah he is a convert. You can meet him tonight he's coming over to meet the family I need you to talk to Daada for me about this."
"I don't even know the guy how would I talk to pa about you getting married to the guy
"How about this you can meet him tonight and be my moral support and backup when I talk Daada before I introduced them both."
"Okay I've got tot meet the guy first then we can talk about other things."
"Deal I'm sure you two will get a long"
"We'll see about that"
"Anyways I'm going to visit baba now can you drop me off and cancel your trip back."
" I already did."
When we got theater I asked chacha I wanted to be alone with my dad so he left the room. Looking at my dad I tried to be strong and not break down
"Baba how are you?" I started out and waited as if I was going to get a reply back  "Baba I don't know if you can hear me probably not but its worth a try I just wanted to tell you that I miss you so much...I miss you..."  I went on telling him about the day I was having trying my best to hold back tears that kept falling " ... I wish you were here and be my guid and advisor like you've always been Baba. Baba I miss you." I sobbed out the last part before jumping up when someone put their comforting hand on my shoulder. It was chacha

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