chapter 23

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Celeste pov

Hunter was staring at me and he looked hurt or something... I didn't know what it was as about, I wanted to ask but he walked off shaking his head.

I frowned somewhat worried, maybe something happened to Chelly, but if that were the case would he even come to school? What's up with him? I should go ask....

After two seconds I started walking where I saw hunter go. I looked up and down the halls. Then I saw him standing by the janitorial room talking to a girl. He was crying too. Then she hugged him...

I felt something inside that I've never felt before. I wanted to go to the girl and rip her off him, but why would I do that? I don't even like hunter like that, plus Shes comforting him that's good. Still I hated the fact that she was on him. He could've came to me, I mean he was staring at me, he probably wanted to say something. Maybe he wanted to tell his girlfriend instead of me, that's always a possibility. I sighed and walked away before they could see me.

Hunter pov

"I love her so much Cheyenne, and she doesn't know. I blew it off and said something's. " I said tears running down my face.

Cheyenne said nothing but looked me with those grey eyes of hers that always holds in them compassion.

"I was going to apologize, I even was going to give her the bear I took from her since junior high.. but she was going on a date with some guy, and that crushed everything left I had " I said still crying.

She took me into a hug and rubbed my back like she always does. Cheyenne has been my best friend since first grade. She knows every last detail about me and as do I about her. People used to think we were dating since we always hung with each other but I could never see my self dating her.

She's not ugly no, far from it. She's one of the prettiest girls in this school, next to Celeste of course. She's Egyptian, so she's very pretty. Her hair is long and dark touching her butt, she hates it so she usually has it up. Her eyes are grey and warm, and she has a bit of a temper. She stands her ground and let's no one make a fool of her. I never really have to beat anyone for her, she's always doing it herself. She beats me up too when I'm acting a fool.

"Hunter, you should just let her go ---" she began but I cut her off almost immediately

"No way, I can't do that. I SAID I LOVE HER! I can't let go of someone I love " I said wiping my face

She rolled her eyes and smacked my head "idiot, I wasnt done talking, you should let her go TAKE A BREAK. She doesn't know you like her, so how about you try telling her...subliminally or something.. I'm pretty sure she has turn hots for you. Don't cry over it, give her, her space then come at her With how you feel. "

I wiped my face again and nodded. "Alright, fine. Thanks marshmallow I love you. " I said smiling ajd giving her a big hug.

"Now get to class monkey butt " she said ruffling my hair

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